
  • English Education
    Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024)

    English Education: Journal of English Teaching and Research (JETAR)Volume 9 Number 2 October 2024 has been issued recognized in 4th level of Science and Technology Index (SINTA) from Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.

    We present scholarly works from both within and outside Indonesia. The researches scope encompassesinstructional material, discourse analysis, the use of technology as instructional media, teachers’ strategy and translanguaging in EFL contexts.

    We express our sincere thanks to the reviewers and editors for their valuable contributions in improving the quality of this publication. We are deeply gratefull to all contributors for their rigorous researches and for entrusting us with the publication of their findings.

    Wehope this publicationmakes significant contributions to the advancement  of research and knowledge in the domain of English Language Teaching, Linguistics and Literature.


    JETAR Editorial Board

  • English Education
    Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024)



    English Education: Journal of English Teaching and Research (JETAR) Volume 9 Number1 May 2024 has been published recognized in 4th level of Science and Technology Index (SINTA) from Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.

    In this recent publication, several researchers were interested in studying the field of English Language Teaching and Learning (ELT) such as; Teaching Reading, Speaking and Writing.Some were interested to study English Language Components such as Grammar, Vocabulary and Pronunciation. In teaching Vocabulary researchers conducted research in the use of technologies namelyBusuu and Edu-candy application. While in teaching pronunciation a researcher studied the use of Speech-Ace website. In the field of Linguistics researchers were interested in studying Code Switching and Translation.

    Our sincere gratitute toour reviewers and editors who had contributed on reviewing and giving feedback continuously to enhance the publication quality. Great gratitute also goes to all of the contributors who have conducted valuable researches with their expertise and have trusted us for the publication of their research results.We deeply hope that this publicationprovide significant contributions to the development of research and knowledge especially in English Language Teaching, Linguistics and Literature.


    JETAR Editorial Board

  • English Education
    Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023)



                The latest issue of the English Education: Journal of English Teaching and Research (JETAR) has been issued. It is Volume 8, Number 2 October 2023.   It has been acknowledged in the fourth tier of the Science and Technology Index (SINTA) by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. 

    The development and increasing prominence of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and social media have captured the interest of researchers, leading them to investigate their utilization in English Teaching and Learning. Examples of such research include the examination of Khahoot! as an assessment tool, the exploration of the use of the Tik Tok application in teaching speaking skills, and the investigation of Grammarly's effectiveness in teaching writing. The other researcher is likewise interested in examining the implementation of specific teaching methods and strategies, particularly the TELLS Strategy for teaching reading, Chain Word Games for teaching vocabulary, and the Psychological Distance strategy for the teaching and learning process. Furthermore, several researchers have directed their attention towards examining students' learning strategies, HOTS manifestation on English summative assessment and students’ errors in utilizing specific linguistic structures.To complete this publication, there are articles analysing a popular novel and a comic in webtoon. 

    We express our sincere gratitude to our reviewers and editors who have consistently contributed by reviewing and providing input to improve the quality of our publication. We extend our sincere appreciation to all the authors who have undertaken rigorous research using their expertise and have entrusted us with the publication of their study findings.

    We have considerable expectations that this publication will make substantial contributions to the advancement of study and knowledge, particularly in the fields of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature. 


    JETAR Editorial Board

  • English Education
    Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023)

    English Education: Journal of English Teaching and Research (JETAR) Volume 8 Number 1 May 2023 has been published recognized in 4th level of Science and Technology Index (SINTA) from Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.

    Various studies of English language teaching and learning (ELT), English literature and linguistics are issued in this publication. Most researchers focused on studying the practice of ELT such as analyzing English for elementary students’ text book, analyzing the needs for ESP materials for non- English department students and for nursing students, developing vocabulary digital pocket book for vocational senior high school students, and analysing students’ perceptions in a teaching and learning process. We also publish two literature reviews in ELT especially about online learning in Islamic high school and teachers’ perceptions and challenges in integrating technology in English reading course. The other of researchers focused on conducting researches in English literature and Linguistics, they studied moral value and anxiety in Korean drama, novel and revealing power relations in online learning using critical classroom discourse analysis.

    Our sincere gratitute to our reviewers and editors who had contributed on reviewing and giving feedback continuously to enhance the publication quality. Great gratitute also goes to all of the contributors who have conducted solid researches with their expertise and have trusted us for the publication of their research results.

    We deeply hope that volume 8 No 1 May 2023  publication can provide significant contributions to the development of research and knowledge especially in English Language Teaching, Linguistics and Literature.


    JETAR Editorial Board

  • English Education
    Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022)

    English Education: Journal of English Teaching and Research (JETAR) Volume 7 Number2 October 2022 has been published.There are ten articles resulted from researches about Teaching Speaking, Teaching Writing, Learning Strategies, Test Items Quality, The Practice of Teaching English for Young Learners, English Teacher Welfare and Its Effect to the Quality in Learning and in the international context, one article resulted from research about intercultural communication especially about Public Service Translators and Interpreters in Japan.

    All of the articles published in this volume have passed the review process and all of the article management processes in JETAR are recorded in the JETAR Open Journal System. 

    Our sincere gratitute toour reviewersand editors who had contributed on  reviewing and giving feedback continuously in order to enhance JETAR publication quality. Our gratitute goes to all of the contributors who have conducted researches with their expertise, follow the management process well, and trusted us for the publication of their research results.

    We do hope that Volume 7 Number 2 October 2022 publication can provide significant contributions to the development of research and knowledge especially in English, Linguistics, English Literature and English Language Teaching.


     JETAR Editorial Board

  • English Education
    Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022)



    English Education: Journal of English Teaching and Research (JETAR) Volume 7 Number1 May 2022 has been publishedrecognized in 4th level of Science and Technology Index (SINTA) from Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. The result JETAR reaccreditation process stated that started from Volume 5 No. 2 2020 to Volume 10 No. 1 2025 the articles published in JETAR are in the 4th level of SINTA.

    Various studies of English Language Teaching and Learning and Linguistics are issued in this volume 7 No.1 May 2022 publication. Some researchers of English Language Teaching and Learning focused on online learning in which they discussed both from the students and teachers’ point of view. The other researchers reported their studies in the area of linguistics especially in semantic and morphosyntax.

    Our sincere gratitute toour adorable reviewer and editors who had contributed on  reviewing and giving feedback continuously in order to enhance the publication quality. Our greatest gratitute goes to all of the contributors who have conducted solid researches with their expertise and trusted us for the publication of their research results.

    We truly hope that volume 7 no 1 May 2022  publication can provide significant contributions to the development of research and knowledge especially in English, Linguistics, English Literature and English Language Teaching.


     JETAR Editorial Board

  • English Education
    Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021)

    Praise to Allah SWT the Almighty. English Education: Journal of English Teaching and Research (JETAR) Volume 6 Number2 2021 has been published. Various studies from international and national researchers are published for this volume. The international researchers, coming from Japan and Korea, interested to study the students’response about learning under Covid-19 pandemic closures and restriction in Kyoto-Japan and the effectiveness of an after-school English program at a community center in Seoul-Korea. Meanwhile, the national researchers, focused on the teacher professional development through reflective teaching, creating a bilingual website for a tuition center, and an alternative method in teaching academic writing.

    Our greatest gratitute toour remarkable reviewer and editors who have worked hard on reviewing and giving feedback continuously in order to enhance the quality of our publication. Our sincere gratitute also go to all of the authors who have been entrusted the publication of their research results in JETAR and followed the steps of the article management process patiently.

    We hope that this publicatio can provide great contributions to the development of research and knowledge especially in English, Linguistics, English Literature and English Language Teaching.



                                                                                                                                                                 JETAR Editorial Board

  • English Education
    Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021)

                   Praise to Allah SWT the Almighty and the All Mercyful. English Education: Journal of English Teaching and Research (JETAR) Volume 6 No. 1 2021 has been published. There are nine articles resulted from research that focused on English Language Teaching (ELT) and literature. In the area of ELT, covid-19 pandemy that has altered teaching learning process into online class also influences the research trend. There were some studies that discussed about utilizing internet to support ELT in virtual classes.

                   Our greatest gratitute toour remarkable reviewer and editors who have worked hard on reviewing and giving feedback continuouslyin order to enhance the quality of our publication. Our sincere gratitute also go to all of the authors who have been entrusted the publication of their research results in JETAR and who have been followed every steps of the article management processwell.

                   We hope that this publication, Volume 6 No. 1 2021, can provide great contributions to the development of research and knowledge especially in English, Linguistics, English Literature and English Language Teaching.


     JETAR Editorial Board

  • English Education
    Vol. 5 No. 2 (2020)

    English Education: Journal of English Teaching and Research is a journal that facilitates the teachers, researchers, lecturers, and students who are interested in English Education, Linguistics, and Literature study to publish their studies. We welcome articles resulted from research or articles resulted from theoretical review.

    There are nine articles in Volume 5Number 22020resulted from bothresearches and literature reviewfrom authors all over Indonesia. There are three articles about Speaking and its teaching model, two articles about teaching Reading, two articles on Lingusitics and the rest two articles are about Grammar and Literature.

    My sincere gratitute for all of theeditorial team, authors, the Head of English Department of UNP Kediri, the LP2M team and the reviewers for their hard work, determination and dedication to make this publication on time.

    It is hoped that all of articles in this volumecan be beneficial for all of the readers and the development of research. We welcome other writers to contribute to our journal for the next publication.

  • English Education
    Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020)

    English Education: Journal of English Teaching and Research is a journal that facilitates the teachers, researchers, lecturers, and students who are interested in English Education, Linguistics, and Literature study. We welcome articles resulted from research or articles resulted from theoretical review.

    Weinform that in July 2018 the Ministry of Higher Education declared that English Education: Journal of English Teaching and Research was an accredited journal in level 5 of SINTA (Science and Technology Index). We are grateful for having this standard because it becomes the proof of our workhard to manage this journal. It makes us have to work harder to make progress in the journal managements, so we can improve the quality of this journal. We are in debt from all of the parties that support and contribute to the management and the improvement of this journal. Thanks for all of the team in English Department of UNP Kediri, the LP2M team, the contributors, the reviewers, the member journal managers in UNP Kediri, for the participations, we cannot do it without any assistances from all of them. 

    In this Volume 5 Number 1 2020 there are nine articles resulted of researches and literature reviews from schools and universities in Indonesia and for the first time from  abroad university, China. The articles this fifth volume focus on language components such as Grammar, English Language Teaching such as Web-Based College, Oral Presentation Skill, Teaching Media, English Skills such as Speaking, Reading, Pragmatics and also Literature.

    It is hoped that all of articles in this volumeare beneficial for all of the readers and the development of research. We welcome other writers to contribute to our journal for the next publication.

  • English Education
    Vol. 4 No. 2 (2019)

    English Education: Journal of English Teaching and Research is a journal that facilitates the teachers, researchers, lecturers, and students who are interested in English Education, Linguistics, and Literature. We welcome articles resulted from research or articles resulted from the theoretical review.

    We are glad to inform that in July 2018 the Ministry of Higher Education declared that English Education: Journal of English Teaching and Research is accredited journal in level 5 of SINTA (Science and Technology Index). We are grateful for having this status because it becomes the proof of our work hard to manage this journal so far. It also makes us to work harder to make progress in the journal managements, so we can improve the quality of this journal. We are in debt from all of the parties that support and contribute to the management and the improvement of this journal. Thanks for all of the team in English Department of UNP Kediri, the LP2M team, the contributors, the reviewers, the member journal managers in UNP Kediri, etc. for the participations, we cannot do it without any help from all of them. 

    In Volume 4 Number 2 2019, we present eight articles resulted both from research and literature review written by authors from various schools and universities.  In this volume the articles are discuss about Reading, Writing, Speaking, Translation, Error Analysis, and reviewing the other researchers’s studies. The variations in the research methods implemented in the volume such as classroom action research and descriptive research.

    It is hoped that all of those articles can be beneficial for all of the readers and we welcome to other writers to contribute to our journal for the next publication.

  • English Education
    Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019)

    English Education: Journal of English Teaching and Research is a journal that facilitates the teachers, researchers, lecturers, and students who are interested in English Education, Linguistics, and Literature. We welcome articles resulted from research or articles resulted from the theoretical review.

    We are glad to inform that in July 2018 the Ministry of Higher Education declared that English Education: Journal of English Teaching and Research is accredited journal in level 5 of SINTA (Science and Technology Index). We are grateful for having this status because it becomes the proof of our work hard to manage this journal so far. It also makes us to work harder to make progress in the journal managements, so we can improve the quality of this journal. We are in debt from all of the parties that support and contribute to the management and the improvement of this journal. Thanks for all of the team in English Department of UNP Kediri, the LP2M team, the contributors, the reviewers, the member journal managers in UNP Kediri, etc. for the participations, we cannot do it without any help from all of them. 

    In Volume 4 Number 1 2019, we present eight articles resulted both from research and literature review written by authors from various schools and universities.  In this volume the articles are discuss about Reading, Writing, Speaking, Translation, Error Analysis, and reviewing the other researchers’s studies. The variations in the research methods implemented in the volume such as classroom action research and descriptive research.

    It is hoped that all of those articles can be beneficial for all of the readers and we welcome to other writers to contribute to our journal for the next publication.

  • English Education
    Vol. 3 No. 2 (2018)

    English Education: Journal of English Teaching and Research is a journal that accomodates the teachers, researchers, lecturers, and students who are interested in English Education, Linguistics, and Literature. We welcome articles resulted from reserach or articles resulted from the theoretical review.

    We are glad to inform that in July 2018 the Ministry of Higher Education declared that English Education: Journal of English Teaching and Research is accredited journal in level 5 of SINTA (Science and Technology Index). We are gratefull for having this status because it becomes the prove of our workhard to manage this journal so far. It also makes us to work harder to make progress in the journal managements, so we can improve the quality of this journal. We are in debt from all of the parties that support and contribute to the management and the improvement of this journal. Thanks for all of the team in English Department of UN PGRI Kediri, the LP2M team, the contributors, the reviewers, the other journal managers in UN PGRI Kediri, etc for the participations, we can not do it without any help from all of them. 

    In this Volume 3 Number 2 2018,  we present eight articles resulted both from research and literature review written by authors from various schools and universities.  We can identify that most of the articles in this volume focus on four language skills: Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing, only one article focus on promoting learning process. There were also many variations in the research methods implemented in the article such as : Classroom action research, experimental research, and descriptive research.

    It is hoped that all of those articles can be beneficial for all of the readers, and we welcome to others writers to contribute to our journal for the next publication.

  • English Education
    Vol. 3 No. 1 (2018)

  • English Education
    Vol. 2 No. 2 (2017)

  • English Education
    Vol. 2 No. 1 (2017)

  • English Education
    Vol. 1 No. 2 (2016)

    The English-Edu: Journal of English Teaching and Research publishes some articles in some disciplines such as; English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature that some writers of this edition come. Teachers, lecturers, researchers, college students, and scholars are invited to join.  For this edition, the articles focus on English Language Teaching and Linguistics and  they are resulted from various research methods and theoretical reviews. 

    Most of  articles focus on the English Language Teaching and only one article focuses on Linguistics. In English Language Teaching, the focuses are on developing the students’ four language skills; the articles that focus on Listening skill are the article discusses about the use of TV Commercials as the media in teaching lietening and the way how to convert the E-book into Audiobook to improve the students’ Listening and Reading skills. In Reading skill, some articles discusses about the use of teaching technique and instructional media to improve the students’ reading ability. The teaching technique that is discussed is Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) and the instructional media that are discussed are the use of Authentic Materials in teaching reading and Natural Reading Software to improve the students’ Reading ability. In the way of improving the students’ speaking skill, the writer uses Digital Storytelling. The last is in writing skill, the articles are discussed about the use of mind mapping and corrective written feedback in teaching writing. There is also one article that focuses on the implementation of teaching English in Junior High School. Moreover, in Linguistics area there is one article focuses on the use of transititions in the students’ argumentative writing.

    The appreciation is given for the writers who have actively taken part in this edition. The board  is inviting readers to be a part of the forthcoming edition. The readers would be hopefully enjoyable to spend times reading articles and getting insights.

  • Terbitan Volume 1 Nomor 1 Tahun 2016, Jurnal Engslih Edu adalah jurnal yang diperuntuhkkan untuk dosen - dosen berbasis Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

    English Education
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016)