Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024): English Education

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English Education: Journal of English Teaching and Research (JETAR) Volume 9 Number1 May 2024 has been published recognized in 4th level of Science and Technology Index (SINTA) from Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.

In this recent publication, several researchers were interested in studying the field of English Language Teaching and Learning (ELT) such as; Teaching Reading, Speaking and Writing.Some were interested to study English Language Components such as Grammar, Vocabulary and Pronunciation. In teaching Vocabulary researchers conducted research in the use of technologies namelyBusuu and Edu-candy application. While in teaching pronunciation a researcher studied the use of Speech-Ace website. In the field of Linguistics researchers were interested in studying Code Switching and Translation.

Our sincere gratitute toour reviewers and editors who had contributed on reviewing and giving feedback continuously to enhance the publication quality. Great gratitute also goes to all of the contributors who have conducted valuable researches with their expertise and have trusted us for the publication of their research results.We deeply hope that this publicationprovide significant contributions to the development of research and knowledge especially in English Language Teaching, Linguistics and Literature.


JETAR Editorial Board

Published: 2024-05-31
