Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): English Education

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English Education: Journal of English Teaching and Research (JETAR) Volume 7 Number1 May 2022 has been publishedrecognized in 4th level of Science and Technology Index (SINTA) from Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. The result JETAR reaccreditation process stated that started from Volume 5 No. 2 2020 to Volume 10 No. 1 2025 the articles published in JETAR are in the 4th level of SINTA.

Various studies of English Language Teaching and Learning and Linguistics are issued in this volume 7 No.1 May 2022 publication. Some researchers of English Language Teaching and Learning focused on online learning in which they discussed both from the students and teachers’ point of view. The other researchers reported their studies in the area of linguistics especially in semantic and morphosyntax.

Our sincere gratitute toour adorable reviewer and editors who had contributed on  reviewing and giving feedback continuously in order to enhance the publication quality. Our greatest gratitute goes to all of the contributors who have conducted solid researches with their expertise and trusted us for the publication of their research results.

We truly hope that volume 7 no 1 May 2022  publication can provide significant contributions to the development of research and knowledge especially in English, Linguistics, English Literature and English Language Teaching.


 JETAR Editorial Board

Published: 2022-05-31
