Vol. 5 No. 2 (2020): English Education

					View Vol. 5 No. 2 (2020): English Education

English Education: Journal of English Teaching and Research is a journal that facilitates the teachers, researchers, lecturers, and students who are interested in English Education, Linguistics, and Literature study to publish their studies. We welcome articles resulted from research or articles resulted from theoretical review.

There are nine articles in Volume 5Number 22020resulted from bothresearches and literature reviewfrom authors all over Indonesia. There are three articles about Speaking and its teaching model, two articles about teaching Reading, two articles on Lingusitics and the rest two articles are about Grammar and Literature.

My sincere gratitute for all of theeditorial team, authors, the Head of English Department of UNP Kediri, the LP2M team and the reviewers for their hard work, determination and dedication to make this publication on time.

It is hoped that all of articles in this volumecan be beneficial for all of the readers and the development of research. We welcome other writers to contribute to our journal for the next publication.

Published: 2020-10-30
