English Education:Journal of English Teaching and Research 2024-05-31T11:15:31+07:00 Yunik Susanti Open Journal Systems <div style="background-color: #be90d4; border: 2px solid #8e44ad; border-radius: 5px; text-align: left; padding: 5px; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 14px; margin-left: 0px;">The&nbsp;<em>English-Education: Journal of English Teaching and Research (JETAR)</em> is a <em>blind peer-reviewed journal</em> published by &nbsp;Research Institutions and Community Services, University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri. It is media for researchers and lecturers to publish their articles. The aims of this Journal are to facilitate scientific publication of the results of researches in Indonesia and abroad in participating to boost the quality and quantity of research and researchers. The <em>English-Education: Journal of English Teaching and Research</em> (JETAR) published biannually in May and October. It presents articles in the area of English Language Teaching and Learning, Linguistics, and Literature. The contents of the articles include analysis, studies, theory application, research reports, and materials developments.&nbsp;</div> Code Switching Preferences and Necessities in EFL Learners 2024-05-31T10:34:12+07:00 Harnef Uyat Sentomoy <p>This study examines why EFL learners in Indonesia often switch between their English to native language when talking, primarily their reasons to do so whether itsnecessities or preferences. The research method is done through a systematic literature review from numerous previous studies of journal and thesis that are found in Google Scholar using search engine Publish or Perish 8.The results obtained are fascinatingly diverse from their own reasons to their environment, for example habits, shyness, and following today’s social trends.The findings emphasize the complexity of EFL learners' code-switching. This article aims to provide valuable insights into the linguistic phenomenon of Code-Switching. This information is intended to be useful for both language educators and learners alike, and has suggestions such as Vocabulary Enchancement Strategies, Awareness and Education etc.</p> 2024-05-25T13:10:02+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Harnef Uyat Sentomoy Exploring the Implications of English as an International Language in Reading Instruction 2024-05-31T10:34:13+07:00 Moh. Rif'attullah Fahry Rizaldy Putra <p>The global expansion of the English language has sparked a growing demand for English education, transforming it into a tool for both local communication and international pursuits. This shift has led to a departure from mere imitation of native speakers towards embracing English as an International Language (EIL). English has evolved from being a language of a few dominant nations to a global lingua franca, resulting in profound implications for English language instruction. The English as an International Language (EIL) program emphasizes the multifaceted role of English in a globalized world. This paper discuss about English as an International Language (EIL) on the pedagogy of reading instruction within the Indonesian educational milieu, where English functions as a foreign language. It delves into the importance of reading as a fundamental skill for academic and professional success, highlighting the complexity of reading as an active cognitive process. Three theoretical perspectives on reading are discussed: the traditional bottom-up approach, the cognitive top-down processing approach, and the meta-cognitive perspective. Each perspective offers valuable insights into effective reading instruction. The paper provides the implication of English as the International Languagefor teaching reading, encompassing pre-reading activities that build vocabulary and background knowledge, during-reading strategies to promote active engagement with the text, and post-reading activities that encourage critical thinking and discussion. It emphasizes the need for a balanced approach that combines psycholinguistic and linguistic components in EFL reading instruction.</p> 2024-05-25T13:11:30+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Moh. Rif'attullah, Fahry Rizaldy Putra Investigating EFL Students’ Environment Analysis on English Speaking Competencies at Senior High School 2024-05-31T10:34:16+07:00 Prisca Apriana Harahap Hanifah Khairunisa Shifa Ananda Tri Wintolo Apoko <p>English speaking is one skill or competence of English that should be owned by EFL students in the era of 21<sup>st</sup>century. Thus, each EFL student needs to achieve the abilities of oral communication in English better. However, teachers of English often neglect the students’ constraints in learning English. Not many studies are discussing about environment analysis on English speaking competencies. This study aims to analyze EFL students’ environment on English speaking in senior high schools. This current study employed a qualitative design to capture the students’ responses on learning environments. The participants of this study were four students of senior high school level in state and private schools in Jakarta and Depok, West Java, Indonesia. The results showed that EFL students’ interest, motivation, time, and their classroom significantly could impact their English-speaking ability. Thus, this study recommends that teachers of English should motivate the students to learn English better and accommodate them with comfortable classroom.</p> 2024-05-25T13:13:36+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Prisca Apriana Harahap, Hanifah Khairunisa, Shifa Ananda, Tri Wintolo Apoko Grammar Teaching and Learning in English Language Class: Students’ View 2024-05-31T10:34:18+07:00 Afi Normawati Dwitiya Ari Nugrahaeni <p>Grammar, which differs in structure among languages, plays an important component of language acquisition. Grammar proficiency is essential for clear communication since it improves understanding and coherence. Therefore, mastering English grammar is essential to EFL study. This study explores the students’ view on the importance of grammar in language acquisition in detail and explores how EFL students evaluate the teaching and learning of grammar. A qualitative method was used, including open-ended questionnaire and interview, to better understand students' perspectives. The results support the participants' understanding of grammar's significance and reinforce the idea that grammar teaching is essential. The findings of this study further highlight the need of combining explicit and implicit teaching strategies within grammar teaching and learning, acknowledging the mutually beneficial nature of both methods. These strategies further emphasise the critical role that technology and the internet play in language learning. These results together offer educators knowledge for developing effective grammar teaching strategies that correspond with students' viewpoints and academic objectives.</p> 2024-05-25T13:14:58+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Afi Normawati, Dwitiya Ari Nugrahaeni Using Busuu App to Learn Vocabulary For 7th-Grade of SMP Istafad 2024-05-31T10:34:19+07:00 Elviana Lia Rahmawati Murti Ayu Wijayanti Yusti Fargianti <p>The purpose of this study is to examine how the Busuu learning application has been implemented in vocabulary learning, what are the challenges in using Busuu, and the student’s reactions to using Busuu in vocabulary learning in grade 7 of Istafad Middle School. To find out, researchers used a qualitative method with a case study design. Observations, interviews, and questionnaires were used as the means. These data&nbsp;were analyzed&nbsp;using Miles and Huberman matrix analysis, which consists of conduction, display, and verification. Research has shown that teachers implement her Busuu application&nbsp;in vocabulary&nbsp;lessons by adapting the learning materials to the content of her Busuu application. When teachers use the Busuu application to teach vocabulary, they face the challenge of building a good dialogue between teachers and students. On the other hand, when students use her Busuu application, they can chat with native speakers, use the voice memos application to check pronunciation, complete missing words in sentences, and take tests to rearrange words. You will face multiple challenges such as The reaction of students when using her Busuu application during vocabulary learning is something that keeps them satisfied and actively and enthusiastically participating in the learning process. Based on the research conducted, teachers are encouraged to be more creative with their learning media.&nbsp;</p> 2024-05-25T13:16:13+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Elviana Lia Rahmawati, Murti Ayu Wijayanti, Yusti Fargianti An Analysis of Grammatical Equivalence Used by Students in Translating News Item Text 2024-05-31T10:34:21+07:00 Bambang Irawan Ridha Ikhva Erviana <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p>Spreading news in this era seems to be easier due to the rapid development of technology. However, some readers from different language background seem to have difficulties in understanding the news because of language barrier. Translation is needed to overcome this problem and to make news understandable for readers in greater community. This research examined the types of grammatical equivalence used by the students in translating news item text from Indonesian to English. Besides, this research also aimed to figure out the problems found in the students’ grammatical equivalence. Descriptive qualitative approach was used in this research since the data were presented in the form of description instead of number. The primary data were taken from news item text translation works done by the seventh-semester students of English Department of Pamulang University in academic year of 2022/2023. The data were collected using Google Form and then analysed using the grammatical equivalence theory proposed by Baker (2001). There were five steps of data analysis used in this research: observing the data, identifying the data, classifying the data, and evaluating the data. The results showed that the students used five types of grammatical equivalence namely number, gender, person, tenses &amp; aspects, and voice. The results also revealed that the students faced problems related to number and tenses &amp; aspects.</p> 2024-05-25T13:17:25+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bambang Irawan, Ridha Ikhva Erviana The Impact of Educandy Word Search Game on Enhancing Students’ Vocabulary Mastery 2024-05-31T10:34:23+07:00 Novia Ramadhanti Eni Rosnija Eka Fajar Rahmani <p>This study has objective to ascertain the effect of the word search game Educandy on students’ vocabulary mastery. This research utilized a pre-experimental design with three treatments as its methods. The research sample encompassed 31 students of VIII G at SMPN 5 Pontianak during the academic year of 2023/2024. The researcher used a test as an instrument and a measurement technique as a data collection method to complete this research. The results indicated that using the word search game Educandy enhanced students’ vocabulary mastery of learning vocabulary. According to the Mean score of the pre-test and post-test, alongside the t-test analysis, the research outcomes showed an enhancement in students’ advancement. The mean score obtained during the pre-test was 70.32, whereas the mean score during the post-test was 88.14. The calculated t-test value was 10,36, higher than the t-table value of 1.697 at a significance level of 0.05 and degree of freedom of 30. Moreover, the effect size was 1.761, which corresponds to a strong effect size with a range of effect size &gt; 0.5. In brief, the results showed that using the word search game Educandy enhanced students’ vocabulary mastery.</p> 2024-05-25T13:18:36+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Novia Ramadhanti, Eni Rosnija, Eka Fajar Rahmani Using Question Generation and Mind Mapping Strategy toward Students’ Reading of Descriptive Texts 2024-05-31T10:34:25+07:00 Atikah Ikhsanudin Dwi Riyanti <p>The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of a combination of question generation and mind mapping strategy toward reading comprehension of descriptive text. It was a quasi-experimental study at a private junior high school in Pontianak – Indonesia thatinvolved one control group and one experimental group. This applied cluster random to take the sample. The treatments were given four times. The data was collected through the reading comprehension test given to the control and experimental group. The data wereanalyzed with a t-test. It was to analyze the significance of the treatment. The research result showed that the t value isbigger than the ttable or t value &gt; ttable. In short, the t value was 6.214 whilethe ttable was 1.9983, that the t value was biggerthan the ttable (6.214 &gt; 1.9983) and the value of effect size was 1.49 meaning the combination between question generation and mind mapping strategy affected reading comprehension of descriptive text very strongly.&nbsp; Therefore, the combination of those strategies can be used to teach reading comprehension.</p> 2024-05-25T13:19:48+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Atikah, Ikhsanudin, Dwi Riyanti The Effectiveness of Speech-Ace Website on Students’ Pronunciation 2024-05-31T11:15:31+07:00 Anggytha Mutiara Salma Chusna Wakhda Ismi Maryam Alfidariyani Lilia Indriani <p>Effective communication is the core of an EFL program. Therefore, having good pronunciation is crucial to achieve effective communication and to avoid misunderstanding.&nbsp; Speech-Ace is a tool that helps to enhance pronunciation in the form of a website. This study aims to discover the effectiveness of Speech-Ace on English Education Department student's pronunciation. Qualitative approach with case study method was used in this study, the data were gathered through pronunciation tests and interviews.&nbsp; The result showed that there was improvement in student's pronunciation after the implementation of Speech-Ace website. Students were helped by the feedback from the Speech-Ace website in enhancing their pronunciation skills. &nbsp;However, the study's generalizability is limited by the small sample size of 30 students.&nbsp; Further research with a larger and more representative population could strengthen the validity of the findings.</p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 anggytha mutiara, Salma Chusna Wakhda, Ismi Maryam Alfidariyani, Lilia Indriani The Impact of Teacher’s Feedback on Students’ Writing Ability 2024-05-31T10:34:28+07:00 Dina Renata Dini Renati Nurul Hidayah Lilia Indriani <p>Teacher feedback on students' essay writing is often an alternative for teachers to support the improvement of students' writing quality. This study has the main objective to find out the relationship between teacher’s feedback and student essay writing by looking at the difference in student essay scores before and after feedback. Methodology used in this research is descriptive quantitative by looking at the data of students' project scores in one class. The results showed that there was a good improvement in students' ability to write essays, this was shown through the average student score which had a significant difference between before and after being given feedback from the lecturer. The conclusion obtained through this research is that feedback from teachers is effective in improving the quality of student writing, especially in this research essay writing.</p> 2024-05-30T16:52:15+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dina Renata, Dini Renati, Nurul Hidayah, Lilia Indriani