Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): English Education

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            The latest issue of the English Education: Journal of English Teaching and Research (JETAR) has been issued. It is Volume 8, Number 2 October 2023.   It has been acknowledged in the fourth tier of the Science and Technology Index (SINTA) by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. 

The development and increasing prominence of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and social media have captured the interest of researchers, leading them to investigate their utilization in English Teaching and Learning. Examples of such research include the examination of Khahoot! as an assessment tool, the exploration of the use of the Tik Tok application in teaching speaking skills, and the investigation of Grammarly's effectiveness in teaching writing. The other researcher is likewise interested in examining the implementation of specific teaching methods and strategies, particularly the TELLS Strategy for teaching reading, Chain Word Games for teaching vocabulary, and the Psychological Distance strategy for the teaching and learning process. Furthermore, several researchers have directed their attention towards examining students' learning strategies, HOTS manifestation on English summative assessment and students’ errors in utilizing specific linguistic structures.To complete this publication, there are articles analysing a popular novel and a comic in webtoon. 

We express our sincere gratitude to our reviewers and editors who have consistently contributed by reviewing and providing input to improve the quality of our publication. We extend our sincere appreciation to all the authors who have undertaken rigorous research using their expertise and have entrusted us with the publication of their study findings.

We have considerable expectations that this publication will make substantial contributions to the advancement of study and knowledge, particularly in the fields of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature. 


JETAR Editorial Board

Published: 2023-10-31
