Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021): English Education

					View Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021): English Education

               Praise to Allah SWT the Almighty and the All Mercyful. English Education: Journal of English Teaching and Research (JETAR) Volume 6 No. 1 2021 has been published. There are nine articles resulted from research that focused on English Language Teaching (ELT) and literature. In the area of ELT, covid-19 pandemy that has altered teaching learning process into online class also influences the research trend. There were some studies that discussed about utilizing internet to support ELT in virtual classes.

               Our greatest gratitute toour remarkable reviewer and editors who have worked hard on reviewing and giving feedback continuouslyin order to enhance the quality of our publication. Our sincere gratitute also go to all of the authors who have been entrusted the publication of their research results in JETAR and who have been followed every steps of the article management processwell.

               We hope that this publication, Volume 6 No. 1 2021, can provide great contributions to the development of research and knowledge especially in English, Linguistics, English Literature and English Language Teaching.


 JETAR Editorial Board

Published: 2021-05-31
