Dampak Model Pembelajaran Experiental Learning Terhadap Peningkatan Kompetensi Operator Pembangkit


  • Dedi Budi Utomo Binus Business School
  • Andi Lestari Sitepu Binus Business School
  • Rachmat Mulyana Binus Business School
  • Nurianna Thoha Binus Business School




Experiential Learning Model, Understanding Equipment & Work Procedure, Problem Solving Ability


The challenge to prepare power plant operators quickly, precisely and effectively is faced by PT XYZ Services in order to grow, develop and contribute to the 35,000 MW Electricity Supply Program. The right training model is required to achieve that goal. This experimental study aims to find more appropriate training models to be implemented in preparing competent power plant operators in a shorter period of time between experiential learning models and conventional learning models. The study intends to determine the impact of experiential learning models on increasing the competence of power plant operators. Based on the data analysis and discussion, findings were obtained: 1)there are differences in all aspects of operator competencies between the operators who learn with experiential learning model and those who learn with conventional models; 2)there are no differences in the aspect of Understanding Equipment & Work Procedure between the operators who learn with experiential learning models and  the operators who learn with conventional models; 3)there are differences in the Problem-Solving Ability aspect between the operators who learn with experiential learning models and the operators who learn with conventional models and 4)Experiential learning models have an impact on improving the power plant operator competencies, especially on the Problem-Solving Ability aspect.


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How to Cite

Utomo, D. B., Sitepu, A. L., Mulyana, R., & Thoha, N. (2019). Dampak Model Pembelajaran Experiental Learning Terhadap Peningkatan Kompetensi Operator Pembangkit. PINUS: Jurnal Penelitian Inovasi Pembelajaran, 5(1), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.29407/pn.v5i1.13241