PINUS: Jurnal Penelitian Inovasi Pembelajaran <p>PINUS: Jurnal Penelitian Inovasi Pembelajaran&nbsp;merupakan wadah publikasi penelitian bekerjasama antara Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri dengan Pengurus Daerah&nbsp;PGRI Kabupaten dan Kota Kediri dan Pengurus Daerah ISPI Kediri yang terbit 1 tahun 2 kali pada Bulan Maret dan September.<br><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ISSN (Online) 2442-9163</a><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ISSN (Print)&nbsp;2621-2390</a><br><a title="click tracking" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img style="border: none;" src="" alt="click tracking"></a> <a href="">View PINUS Stats</a></p> Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri en-US PINUS: Jurnal Penelitian Inovasi Pembelajaran 2621-2390 <p>Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:</p> <ol> <li class="show">Copyright on any article is retained by the author(s).</li> <li class="show">The author grants the journal, right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of the work’s authorship and initial publication in this journal.</li> <li class="show">Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal’s published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal.</li> <li class="show">Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work.</li> <li class="show">The article and any associated published material is distributed under the&nbsp;<a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a></li> </ol> Kriteria Guru Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan yang Profesional Berdasarkan Kemampuan Interpersonal Society 5.0 <p style="font-weight: 400;">The role of the teacher nowadays is not only to provide content-based conceptual knowledge but also provide knowledge about how to communicate with others. In teaching today’s generation, teachers require some special expertise. Education and training of the next generation to cope with change has become a challenge for educators as well as parents. This study aims to examine the characteristics of professional Civics teachers. There are several components that can be used as research references in formulating the characteristics of professional Civics teachers. However, the authors focus on one main component that will be studied in this study, namely interpersonal skills. A good relationship between students and teachers will have an impact on the success of learning in the classroom. This study used literature study. It is done by collecting data from books and journals that are relevant to the research study. After these data are obtained, the authors take journals or books as the main reference in formulating the characteristics of professional Civics teachers. In addition, the authors only focus on research sources that include interpersonal skills of Civics teachers. The results to be achieved in this study are to obtain several characteristics regarding Civics teachers which emphasize the teachers’ interpersonal skills. It is expected that after these characteristics are formulated, they will contribute to increasing the professionalism of Civics teachers in 5.0 societys.</p> Bekti Galih Kurniawan Diska Fatima Virgiyanti Kenlies Era Rosalina Marsudi Verbena Ayuning Purbasari Irawan Hadi Wiranata Copyright (c) 2023 Bekti Galih Kurniawan Bekti, Irawan Hadi Wiranata 2023-10-31 2023-10-31 9 1 1 9 10.29407/pn.v9i1.20414 Sejarah Tari Reog Kendang Tulungagung Sebagai Kearifan Lokal <p>Apabila kita membahas mengenai tari reog tentu yang di benak pertama kali adalah tari reog Ponorogo. Padahal Kabupaten Tulungagung juga mempunyai tari reog yaitu tari reog kendang. Tari reog kendang merupakan kearifan lokal dalam bentuk tarian tradisional. Peneliti ingin meneliti mengenai tarian ini karena merasa tari reog kendang unik dan memiliki kekhasannya tersendiri dibanding tari reog lainnya. Hal tersebut nampak dari segi gerak tari serta alat musik yang digunakan sangat berbeda dengan tari reog di tempat lain.Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk 1) mengetahui asal-usul terbentuknya tari reog kendang, 2) mengetahui perubahan yang ada pada tari reog kendang hingga kini. Metode penelitian dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Adapun sumber data diperoleh dari wawancara dan kajian pustaka. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh dari sumber menunjukkan bahwa 1) Tari reog kendang adalah tarian yang bercerita mengenai iring-iringan prajurit Raja Bugis mengantarkan persyaratan untuk lamaran kepada Ratu Kilisuci. 2) Tari reog kendang memiliki perubahan dalam berbagai aspek di kehidupan masyarakat yang menjadi manfaat bagi semuanya.</p> wahyu hutaminingtiyas Yatmin Sigit Widiatmoko Agus Budianto Copyright (c) 2023 wahyu hutaminingtiyas, Yatmin, Sigit Widiatmoko, Agus Budianto 2023-12-13 2023-12-13 9 1 10 20 10.29407/pn.v9i1.19655 Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa dengan Discovery Learning Approach pada Mata Pelajaran PPKn SMA <p><em>Discovery learning </em>merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak model pembelajaran yang berpusat pada peserta didik. Dengan demikian model pembelajaran <em>discovery learning</em> sperlu untuk dialakukan pengembangan dan penelitian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan model <em>discovery learning</em> terhadap prestasi belajar siswa di Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Gunung Sari pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (PPKn). Penelitian in merupakan penelitian <em>Pre-exsperiment</em> dengan <em>the static-grup comparison design</em>. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah instrument tes pilihan ganda sebanyak 26 soal yang dinyatakan valid dari 35 soal yang ada. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan t<sub>hitung </sub>adalah 1.9959. Berdasarkan hal tersebut nilai t<sub>hitung </sub>(1.9959)&gt; t<sub>tabel </sub>(1.6706) dengan taraf signifikan 5%. Nilai rata-rata prestasi belajar PPKn siswa yang menerapkan model <em>discovery learning </em>adalah 76, sedangkan nilai rata-rata prestasi belajar PPKn siswa yang menerapkan model pembelajaran biasa adalah 70. Hasil analisis data dan pembahasan, menyimpulkan prestasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran &nbsp;PPKn yang menerapkan model <em>discovery learning </em>lebih baik daripada model pembelajaran lainya. Artinya terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara prestasi belajar PPKn kelas eksperimen yang menerapkan model <em>discovery learning</em> dan kelas kontrol yang menerapkan model pembelajaran konvensional pada mata pelajaran PPKn</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Zulkarnain Zulkarnain Irawan Hadi Wiranata Copyright (c) 2023 Zulkarnain Zulkarnain, Irawan Hadi Wiranata 2023-12-16 2023-12-16 9 1 21 31 10.29407/pn.v9i1.20887 Pengembangan Skala Pengukuran Rasa Percaya Diri Siswa Kombi: Instrumen Pendukung Permainan Antaboga <p><em>Having good self-confidence plays an important role in today's modern era, especially when going straight into society because individual who does not have good self-confidence will always feel anxious, insecure and not feel free to do whatever he wants in life. The purpose of this study was to make a measuring instrument for students' self-confidence as an instrument to support the Antaboga game by using the method of non-test instruments. Based on the results of the validity and reliability tests conducted by 2 material experts, the overall value of content validity was 0.8, then continued with the test of 2 BK teacher users, the overall value of content validity was 0.7, as well as the user test conducted by 30 students of class XI SMAN 2 Kota Kediri, obtained 23 valid items with a reliable coefficient of 0.875. Of the 23 items that were declared valid, they could represent each indicator of self-confidence. Based on the validity and reliability tests conducted, it can be concluded that this scale for measuring student self-confidence can be used as a tool to measure high school student self-confidence at the next research stage.</em></p> Fitria Ayu Nur Azizah Sri Panca Setyawati Khususiyah Khususiyah Nora Yuniar Setyaputri Copyright (c) 2023 Fitria Ayu Nur Azizah, Sri Panca Setyawati, Khususiyah Khususiyah, Nora Yuniar Setyaputri 2024-01-05 2024-01-05 9 1 32 43 10.29407/pn.v9i1.20533 The Implementation of A School Based on A Wetland Environment From An Ecological Citizenship Perspective <p><em>Humans and the environment are two things that are interconnected and cannot be separated from each other. Educating people who are aware of the importance of the environment certainly requires effort. One of them is through educational institutions. This study uses a qualitative approach by presenting data from research results. Processed and presented qualitatively. This study used observation data collection techniques, interviews and documentation. Analysis of the research data used interactive model analysis techniques (interactive model of analysis) from Miles and Huberman. In this interactive analysis model, the researcher moves on three components, namely data reduction, data display and verification. The results of this research found that the Adiwiyata Middle School curriculum always prioritizes the active involvement of all school members in environmental conservation. The organization at the Adiwiyata school in Banjarmasin City has one of its missions, namely environmental preservation. The existence of an environmentally based curriculum will create a new culture, namely an environmental culture where school residents will be more aware of the importance of protecting the environment</em><strong><em>.</em></strong></p> jonatan2211 Dian Agus Ruchliyadi Dedy Ari Nugroho Muhammad Fajar Maulana M Kamil Ridha Copyright (c) 2024 Dian Agus Ruchliyadi, Dedy Ari Nugroho, Muhammad Fajar Maulana, M Kamil Ridha 2024-01-28 2024-01-28 9 1 44 53 10.29407/pn.v9i1.21138 Mengupas Makna Kesetaraan Gender Dalam Perspektif R.A. Kartini Dan Pengaruhnya Bagi Pendidikan Perempuan Di Jawa Tahun 1891-1904 <p><em>This study aims to find out: (1) Assess and discuss the background of the life of R.A. Kartini, (2) Review and discuss the concept of gender equality R.A. Kartini in education, (3) to find out about the influence of R.A. Kartini on women's education in Java. The method used in writing this thesis is thehistorical method. The results of this study indicate that throughout civilization, women are very vulnerable to various forms of injustice. R.A. Kartini lived during a period whenfeudalism was still very strong, which eventually led to several problems that were considered crucial, for example, gender inequality. In addition, R.A.'s interest Kartini in fighting for education among thewider community is very big. He is aware of the backwardness of his people who still live in darkness,stupidity and powerlessness. The example of the struggle of R.A. Kartini's efforts to achieve genderequality included: establishing schools for women, communicating with Dutch society which ultimately became the basis of her struggle. Another thing that was championed by R.A. Kartini is about</em><em>&nbsp; </em><em>opposing polygamy and breaking ancient customs. R.A. Kartini also opposed the culture of seclusion and emphasized the importance of providing opportunities for women to further develop themselves. R.A.'sthoughts Kartini certainly had a major influence on the development of women's education in Java and throughout Indonesia, such as the revival of women's education in Java, the establishment of women'sschools, the increase in the dignity and status of women, and the emergence of new female figures.</em></p> endarkusmiyati Samijo Jurahman Siska Nurazizah Lestari Copyright (c) 2023 endarkusmiyati Samijo, Jurahman, Siska Nurazizah Lestari 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 9 1 54 63 10.29407/pn.v9i1.21373 Identifikasi Nilai Pendidikan Karakter dalam Bingkai Teks Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia <p>The importance of implementing education is an answer to various challenges in the development of science and technology which, either directly or indirectly, influences the morale of the nation's young generation today. The exploration of the value of character education can be traced in the history of the Indonesian nation, especially in the text of the proclamation of independence for the Republic of Indonesia. This research aims to identify the values ​​of national character education based on the text of the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia. In conducting research, researchers used a qualitative approach to explore in depth what character education values ​​can be taken from the text of the proclamation. The data sources were obtained through literature studies and distributing online questionnaires to UNP Kediri history education students who had completed the lecture material for the sub-chapter of Indonesian independence. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that the value of national character education based on the text of the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia includes unity and oneness, devotion to God Almighty, tolerance, struggle/perseverance, patriotism, democracy, human rights, independence, independence, nationalism and justice.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Agus Budianto Sigit Widiatmoko Zainal Afandi Affilah Putra Pratama Gusti Garnis Sasmita Copyright (c) 2023 Agus Budianto, Sigit Widiatmoko, Zainal Afandi, Affilah Putra Pratama, Gusti Garnis Sasmita 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 9 1 64 73 10.29407/pn.v9i1.21708