Published: Jan 31, 2023

Problems of moral development of elementary school age children in the kriyan ngadiluwih kediri localization area

188-198 Anggara Dwinata, M Bambang Edi Siswanto, Hawwin Fitra Raharja (Author)
Read Statistic: 400

Development of thematic e-modules oriented on the ability to write descriptions of students in class V of SDN Boto, Tuban district

199-211 Novialita Angga Wiratama (Author)
Read Statistic: 161

Implementation analysis and problems of implementing of literacy movement in primary schools

212-225 Delora Jantung Amelia, Ima Wahyu Putri Utami, Bahrul Ulum (Author)
Read Statistic: 172

Analysis Analysis of mathematical literacy based on mathematical resilience of fifth grade elementary school students

226-236 Fembriani, Munawir Yusuf , Subagya (Author)
Read Statistic: 218

Analysis of education policies for elementary school children in the industrial revolution 4.0 era

237-249 Kharisma Eka Putri, Tita Tanjungsari, Syamsul Hadi (Author)
Read Statistic: 143

Method of learning through play to facilitate the activeness of kindergarten students

250-262 M Kusuma Wardhani, Masania Nduru (Author)
Read Statistic: 292

Analysis of 2013 curriculum problems so it is changed into a merdeka curriculum

263-274 Nyoman Ayu Putri Lestari (Author)
Read Statistic: 660

Development of inshot-based raga learning media on cultural diversity material for grade iii elementary school students

275-287 Frans Aditia Wiguna, Dhian Dwi Nur Wendha , Tridian Wahyu Aji (Author)
Read Statistic: 157

Teachers' efforts to improve discipline of elementary school students using positive reinforcement methods in online learning

288-298 Year Rezeki Patricia Tantu, Kirey Eleison Oloi Marina (Author)
Read Statistic: 579

The development of iv grade thematic teaching materials based on local culture of east sumba

299-309 Fembriani, Hiwa Wonda, Silvester Taneo , Vera Bulu (Author)
Read Statistic: 171

Analysis of the needs for integrated mathematics and natural sciences modules of the independent curriculum as a learning resource for PGSD UNP Kediri students

310-320 Farida Nurlaila Zunaidah, Mumun Nurmilawati, Zahara Violia (Author)
Read Statistic: 126

Implementation of ethnosains in science learning in madrasah ibtidaiyah

321-334 Nur Aisyah, Husnul Khotimah (Author)
Read Statistic: 153

Trilingual comic development (madurese- indonesian-english) science adventure in anjhir hill as an innovation in introduction of natural tourism in elementary school students

335-343 Izzah Fijriyah (Author)
Read Statistic: 138

Analysis of suitability of material aspects in articulate storylane based solution colligative learning media for PGSD students

344-356 Wahyudi, Bagus Amirul Mukmin, Sutrisno Sahari, Qonita Salsabela (Author)
Read Statistic: 135

The influence of digital storytelling on story writing skills of class II elementary school students

357-369 Ermawati Zulikhatin Nuroh, Fany Frestiya Adiyawati (Author)
Read Statistic: 306

Application of puberty animation media to improve student independence class VI elementary school

370-380 Ajib Rosyadi, Murfiah Dewi Wulandari, Fitri Rahayu (Author)
Read Statistic: 195