JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DASAR NUSANTARA 2024-08-23T11:02:17+07:00 Bagus Amirul Mukmin Open Journal Systems <div style="background-color: #ebfeec; border: 2px solid #bae481; border-radius: 5px; text-align: left; padding: 5px; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 14px; margin-left: 0px;">Journal title: <a href="#">Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar Nusantara</a> <br>Initials: JPDN <br>Frequency <a href="">2 issues per year</a> <br>DOI prefix 10.29407 <br>Print ISSN <a href="">2460-6324</a> <br>Online ISSN <a href="">2579-6461</a> <br>Editor-in-chief <a href=";hl=en&amp;oi=ao">Bagus Amirul Mukmin</a><br>Publisher Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri</div> Implementation of Inquiry Method in Science Subject to Improve Learning Outcomes of Second Grade Elementary School Students 2024-08-23T10:25:34+07:00 Ery Rahmawati Meirza Nanda Faradita <p>Natural and Social Sciences (IPAS) should be a vehicle for students to study the natural surroundings and then apply it in everyday life so that students' learning experiences are meaningful. However, in reality, IPAS learning at UPT SD Negeri 144 Gresik is still teacher-centered and does not involve students in the teaching and learning process so that students do not understand the material, so that student learning outcomes are low. Based on the background of the problem, the researcher uses the inquiry learning method to improve student learning outcomes. The purpose of this study is an effort to improve the learning outcomes of grade II elementary school students in the subject of IPAS on energy sources. The subjects of this study were students in grade II of UPT SD Negeri 144 Gresik. The research method uses Classroom Action Research (CAR), with a CAR cycle model consisting of planning, implementing actions, observing, and reflecting. From the test results that have been conducted, the following data were obtained: The learning completion of class II students of UPT SD Negeri 144 Gresik increased by 47.56% from 40.9% (pre-cycle) to 88.46% (cycle II), and the average student learning outcomes increased by 24.23% from 58.84 (pre-cycle) to 83.07 (cycle II) after using the inquiry method. Based on the test results obtained during the study, it can be concluded that the inquiry method can improve the learning outcomes of class II students at UPT SD Negeri 144 Gresik.</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ery Rahmawati (Author) Analysis of Difficulties of Blind Students (Low Vision) in Developing Critical Thinking Skills Through Problem Solving 2024-07-31T21:59:58+07:00 Ina Agustin Ina Wendri Wiratsiwi <p>This study aims to describe the difficulties of blind students (low vision) in developing critical thinking skills through problem solving. This type of research is qualitative descriptive research. The subject of the study was one blind student with low vision. The place of research was in the PGSD study program, FKIP, PGRI Ronggolawe University Tuban. The research instrument was an observation sheet and interview to find out the initial problems about critical thinking skills, a test sheet instrument in the form of an essay of 6 questions which will later be used as a reference in describing the difficulties of low vision students in developing critical thinking skills. The assessment indicators refer to Facione. Explanation, inference and interpretation indicators are in the good category, analysis indicators get a low category, self-regulation and evaluation indicators are in the sufficient/moderate category. Based on the results of the analysis of the difficulties faced by students in developing critical thinking skills are 1) students have difficulty in determining alternatives to the problems given, 2) students have difficulty in choosing and solving problems related to inclusive education given by lecturers, 3) students are not used to solving problems related to critical thinking, this is because the form of exam questions applied to students is still memorization and memory, 4) students are less creative in choosing or finding the right strategy according to the problems given.</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ina Agustin Ina (Author) Problems of Social Studies Learning at Elementary Education Level: What are the Recommended Solutions? 2024-07-31T22:44:12+07:00 Karimatus Saidah Rian Damariswara <p>This study aims to examine the problems of implementing social studies learning at the elementary education level and describe the recommended solutions to the problems faced based on previous studies. The method used in this study is a literature study by collecting articles that are in accordance with the study and reducing and analyzing the data obtained to then draw conclusions based on the studies that have been conducted. The results of the study indicate that there are several problems faced in the implementation of social studies learning, including the implementation of social studies learning that has not been truly integrated, low student interest in learning social studies and inaccuracy in selecting social studies learning strategies. Recommendations for social studies learning that can be done are to implement contextual-based social studies learning, namely teaching social studies by linking it to students' social lives, so that students can feel the connection between social studies learning and everyday life.</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Karimatus Saidah, Rian Damariswara (Author) Creative Artwork of Elementary School Children's Dance Drama Performance Based on Folklore (Folklore) of Kediri City 2024-07-31T22:57:50+07:00 Ayu Titis Rukmana Sari Wahyudi Wahyudi <p>Problems encountered related to art education include the rareness of alternative literacy of art forms for elementary school students based on culture. Local art products such as the Panji story will be very valuable if elaborated in the world of children in the form of performing arts. Involving children in the creative process of practicing art can provide empirical experience to improve their creativity. This study aims to determine the level of validity, originality of the work and the applicability of drama dance performance art works for elementary school children. The method of developing this drama dance art work is carried out with the stages of observation, exploration, composition and evaluation. The results of the study showed that the product of the creation of elementary school children's drama dance performance art based on folklore is very valid/suitable for use. This is evidenced by the score of 4.80 obtained by the dance expert validator. The validation results are related to the variety of movements, floor patterns, costumes and make-up. While the second validator obtained a score of 5 which means that the Panji Laras drama dance product/work is very valid/suitable for use. The validation results include the level of originality of the work, novelty and applicability for elementary school children. Thus, the work of dance drama performance art entitled Panji Laras is very valid/worthy of being used.</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ayu Titis Rukmana Sari (Author) Development of a Project Module for Strengthening Pancasila Student Profiles Containing Local Wisdom at SDN 6 Pempatan 2024-07-31T23:14:07+07:00 I Wayan Sukawana I Wayan Numertayasa Ni Putu Eni Astuti <p>This study aims to determine the needs of educators and students in implementing the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project activities, as well as the prototype and results of the validity test of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project module containing Local Wisdom. This study uses quantitative descriptive methods and descriptive statistics with a development research design to the product revision stage. There are 5 stages in this research design, starting from the potential and problem stages, data collection, product preparation, product validation, product revision from the validation results. The subjects of this study were educators and students of grade IV at SD N 6 Pempatan with the object of development in the form of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project Module containing Local Wisdom. The validation carried out by experts came from ITP Markandeya Bali Lecturers and Grade IV Homeroom Teachers at SD N 6 Pempatan, the validation of the Module was analyzed with descriptive statistics using a Likert scale. The module design was approved with several revisions, including adjusting the cover color, font type on the cover, adding a cover to the student worksheet (LKPD) that needed to be revised. The results obtained in the development research of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project Module Containing Local Wisdom are categorized as very valid from the results of the expert validation test with an average score of 131 from the interval scale that has been set. The difference between this development research and previous development research can be seen from the contents of the developed module, resulting in a difference in the module validation score. This is influenced by the module validation standards that are adjusted to the curriculum used.</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 I Wayan Sukawana Wanha (Author) Ekoraya: Biodiversity Flipbook Based on Science Literacy 2024-08-01T09:41:13+07:00 Vadia Regitha lestari Khusnul Khotimah Iksam Iksam <p>This research is motivated by the fact that scientific literacy in learning in Indonesia is still very lacking. The learning media that have been used so far are less varied and limited, teachers have also never applied learning media based on scientific literacy in the classroom. The objectives of this study are: (1) to find out the process of developing learning media, (2) to find out the feasibility of learning media and, (3) to find out the practicality of learning media. This study uses the Research and Development (RnD) method. Media development uses the ADDIE model. The subjects in this study were 27 students of grade V at SDN 007 Samarinda Ulu. Data collection techniques used interviews, questionnaires and documentation. The research instruments used were material expert feasibility assessment questionnaires, student response questionnaires and teacher response questionnaires. The results of this study were; feasibility tests by material experts of 94% with the category "Very Feasible", feasibility tests by media experts of 86% with the category "Very Feasible". Then, the assessment of media by small groups was 91.77% in the category of "Very Practical", the large group test was 88.35% in the category of "Very Practical", and the results of the media assessment by teachers were 96.47% in the category of "Very Practical" for use in learning.</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 vadia lestari (Author) Development of fun flipbook activity to improve class IV numeracy skills in elementary school 2024-08-23T10:42:23+07:00 Intan Susetyo Kusumo Wardhani <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of the development of fun flipbook activity media in improving the numeracy skills of fourth grade students, to determine the implementation of fun flipbook activity media in improving the numeracy skills of fourth grade students, and to test the effectiveness of fun flipbook activity media in improving the numeracy skills of fourth grade students. The method and type of research used in this study were RnD with the ADDIE development model. The instruments used in this study included questionnaires, observation sheets and tests. This study was conducted at SDN 2 Kendalrejo with research subjects of 38 fourth grade students with low, medium and high abilities. From the study it was known (1) the level of validity of fun flipbook activity, from expert validation showed a percentage achievement of 91.5% with a high category or with very valid criteria and feasible to use, (2) the level of implementation based on the observation sheet, implemented reached a percentage of 95.5% with a very high category (3) the level of effectiveness of fun flipbook activity reached a percentage of 94.72% with a high category and feasible to use. Based on the data above, it shows that the fun flipbook activity developed is stated to be very valid, has high implementation and is effective for use in learning. Based on the data above, it shows that the fun flipbook activity media developed is stated to be very valid, has high implementation and is effective for use in learning.</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Intan Susetyo Kusumo Wardhani Intan (Author) Development of Fun Flipbook Activity Media in Improving Numeracy Skills of Grade IV in Elementary Schools 2024-08-23T10:44:36+07:00 Farida Nurlaila Zunaidah Mumun Nurmilawati Dwi Ari Budiretnani <p>The purpose of this study is to integrate the values ​​of the ngunggahne beras ritual into the learning process in elementary schools. So that it can determine how deeply students understand the ngunggahne beras ritual in their area. The method used in this study is qualitative by using research instruments in the form of pretest questions and LKPD (Student Worksheets) that have been adjusted to the needs, namely questions related to the ngunggahne beras ritual. The LKPD used had previously been approved for its suitability for use in terms of appearance and questions in the FGD (Forum Group Discussion). The data collection technique was by providing pretest questions at the beginning of learning and questions in the LKPD during the learning process. The data analysis technique was by analyzing the answers to each question on the pretest and questions in the LKPD. Based on the analysis that has been carried out, it is known that there is a difference in knowledge of the values ​​of ngunggahne beras before and after it is explained. It is hoped that after understanding the values ​​of the ngunggahne beras ritual, the next generation can preserve the original culture in their area.</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Farida Nurlaila Zunaidah (Author) The Influence of the Problem-Based Learning Model Assisted by Google Sites Interactive Multimedia on Critical Thinking Skills in the Science Subject of Grade V Elementary School 2024-08-23T10:50:01+07:00 Galih Yoga Pradana Neni Mariana Rif’at Shafwatul Anam <p>Critical thinking skills are part of 21st century learning that are important to be applied in the learning process. However, these skills have not been fully mastered by students. Based on the results of observations conducted in one elementary school, students have difficulty working on analytical questions. This study aims to determine the effect of the Problem-Based Learning model assisted by interactive multimedia Google sites significantly on critical thinking skills in the subject of science for grade V of elementary school. This type of research is a quasi-experiment with a nonequivalent control group design. The population in this study were grade V students of SDN 3 Bangunsari Ponorogo totaling 82 students. The research sample was grade V students consisting of a control class and an experimental class, each totaling 30 students. Data analysis used an independent sample t-test. The results showed that there was a difference in the average results of the pretest and posttest of critical thinking skills in the experimental class and the control class. In the experimental class there was an increase of 19.56%. While in the control class it increased by 6.27%. The results of the hypothesis test using the independent sample t-test showed a significance value (2-tailed) of 0.034, which means &lt;0.05, thus Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. So there is a significant influence of the Problem-Based Learning model assisted by interactive multimedia Google sites on critical thinking skills in the subject of science for grade V of Elementary School. Learning with the Problem-Based Learning model assisted by interactive multimedia Google sites has been proven to be able to improve students' critical thinking skills.</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Galih Yoga Pradana Pradana (Author) Development of Interactive Multimedia Based on Learning Cycle 5E in IPAS Learning for Fourth Grade Elementary School 2024-08-01T00:18:01+07:00 Laila Nur -Afni Yustia Suntari Adi Putra <p>This research aims to develop interactive multimedia based on the 5E learning cycle called MIKBI in science and social learning for grade IV elementary schools. The method in this research uses R&amp;D by adapting the ADDIE development model with stages, namely: 1) Analysis, 2) Design, 3) Development, 4) Implementation, and 5) Evaluation.. The research was carried out at SDN Tanjung Barat 07 with 28 test subjects. Product validity is measured through the assessment of material experts obtained an average score of 92.00% with very decent criteria, media experts gain value 91.76% with very feasible criteria, and linguists gain marks 92.00% with very feasible criteria.Product validity results shows an average value of 91.92% with very feasible criteria. Product testing is carried out in 3 stages, namely one-to-one evaluationan average score of&nbsp; 85.13% with a very decent category, small group evaluation obtained a score of 85.85% in the very feasible category, and the field test evaluation trial obtained a score of 87.08% in the very feasible category so that the average feasibility percentage score obtained at the student trial stage was 86.02% with very feasible criteria. The results of the research show that MIKBI is very suitable for use as science learning media for Indonesian Cultural Wealth material for class IV elementary schools.</p> 2024-08-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Laila Nur Afni - (Author) The Influence of the Problem Based Learning Model Assisted by Booklet Media on the Understanding Conceptual Ability of Class V Elementary School Students on Water Cycle Material 2024-08-23T10:57:32+07:00 Eka Murdani Sumarli Sumarli Aldi Ramadhani <p>This research aims to determine the effect of the problem based learning model assisted by booklet media on the understanding conceptual ability of fifth grade elementary school students in the water cycle material at SDN 03 Dungun Laut, Jawai District for the 2023/2024 academic year. The type of research used was quantitative research using a quasi experimental design method with a post-test only control group design. The population of this study was all class V students at SDN 03 Dungun Laut, totaling 40 students. The sample for this research was class V with a total of 40 students consisting of class VA with 18 students as the experimental class and class VB with 22 students as the control class. The collection techniques used in this research were test and non-test techniques. The tests used were post-test questions, while non-tests used student response questionnaires, and observation sheets on the implementation of learning activities. The data analysis techniques in this research were the two independent sample t-test, effect size test, and descriptive percentage analysis. The results of the research showed that: (1) There was a difference in students' conceptual understanding between classes that use the problem based learning model assisted by booklet media and classes that are given a direct learning model on water cycle material in class V SDN 03 Dungun Laut with t<sub>count</sub> = 2.462 &gt; t<sub>table</sub> = 2.024; (2) The influence of the problem based learning model assisted by booklet media on students' science understanding conceptual ability was 0.4 with medium criteria; (3) The implementation of the problem based learning model assisted by booklet media in science learning for class V elementary school was classified as very good with a percentage of 90%; (4) Students response were positive to the problem based learning model assisted by booklet media in science lessons for class V elementary school was 81% with very good criteria. So it could be concluded that the problem based learning model assisted by booklet media had an influence on students' understanding conceptual ability of Natural Science (IPA) in class V water cycle material at SDN 03 Dungun Laut.</p> 2024-08-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Eka Murdani, Sumarli Sumarli, Aldi Ramadhani (Author) The Relationship of Emotional Intelligence of Fifth Grade Students to Bullying Behavior in Elementary Schools 2024-08-23T10:58:18+07:00 Zelika .Zelika Arifin Maksum Nina Nurhasanah <p>Education in Indonesia is experiencing a bullying emergency. Bullying is aggressive behavior that involves an imbalance of power followed by oppression and solely to make others feel uncomfortable or afraid. Bullying cases in educational institutions, especially in elementary schools, are increasing every year. This is caused by various factors, including external and internal factors. External factors include parenting patterns, the environment, and culture from outside. While internal factors come from within the students, including feelings of empathy and student personality related to emotional intelligence. Therefore, this study aims to determine the relationship between emotional intelligence and bullying behavior in elementary schools. The population in this study was grade V at SDN 12 Pagi Cengkareng Timur with a sample of 30 students. Sampling in this study was determined using a purposive sampling technique because it met certain criteria, such as sample homogeneity which was in the age range of 11-12 years, a sample size sufficient to achieve the desired depth of analysis, and ease of access to members of the population. This study is a quantitative study with a data collection technique using a questionnaire instrument that goes through a statistical test stage, such as validity and reliability tests. This study uses two analysis techniques, namely univariate analysis and bivariate analysis. The results of the correlation test show that the Sig. value is 0.019 &lt;0.05 with r count 0.426&gt; r table 0.361, so there is a positive and significant relationship between emotional intelligence and bullying behavior. The higher the level of emotional intelligence of a student, the lower the tendency of bullying behavior.</p> 2024-08-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Zelika ., Arifin Maksum, Nina Nurhasanah (Author) Implementation of Science Literacy in Science Study Courses for PGSD Students 2024-08-23T10:59:49+07:00 Arinta Rezty Wijayaningputri Ima Wahyu Putri Utami <p>In the world of Science Education, Science Literacy plays an important role in preparing quality and competent students who are able to compete at the international level. To cultivate and improve science literacy in science education, lecturers must create a learning environment that actively involves students. Learning that is dominated by lecturer-centered methods, such as lectures and textbooks, produces passive learners, which can lead to boredom and lack of reasoning and knowledge in science literacy. This study aims to explore the implementation of science literacy in the Science Study Course for PGSD students. The methodology involves literature studies, field observations, and interviews. Data were obtained through reviewing articles, journals, and other relevant sources related to the research, supported by observations and interviews, and then analyzed qualitatively through descriptive descriptions. The results of the study show: (1) the implementation of science literacy facilitates students in understanding the material presented, namely the solar system through various activities such as reading scientific texts, writing scientific essays, creative activities or making posters, searching for information, reflection, presentations, discussions, and questions and answers, (2) supporting factors in the science literacy movement are the lecturers who teach, available facilities, scientific articles, and book references.&nbsp;</p> 2024-08-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ARINTA REZTY WIJAYANINGPUTRI (Author) Development of E-Modules Based on Discovery Learning on Temperature and Heat Material to Improve Communication Skills of Grade V Elementary School Students 2024-08-23T11:01:31+07:00 Eka Wijayanti Suparti Suparti Sri Wahyuni <p>The purpose of this study was to describe the results of the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of the development of Discovery Learning-Based E-Module Media to Improve Communication Skills of Fifth Grade Elementary School Students. With the development of E-Module science learning based on Discover Learning, it is expected to motivate students in the learning process and can increase student activity in learning Theme 6 Subtheme 1 Temperature and Heat. The research design used is Research and Development (R&amp;D) development research. The development model in this study uses the ADDIE model. The research instruments used are expert validation questionnaires, teacher and student response questionnaires and learning outcome tests. Based on the research conducted, the results of the level of validity of the learning media obtained from the results of the validation of material experts and learning media experts obtained the Valid criteria. While the results of the practicality test of the media developed based on the results of the teacher and student response questionnaires obtained the criteria of very practical learning media and the results of the practicality test seen from student learning outcomes obtained the criteria of effective media used to improve student learning outcomes. Based on the results of the data analysis carried out, it can be concluded that the developed learning media has been proven to be valid, practical and effective for use to improve the communication skills of fifth grade elementary school students.</p> 2024-08-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Eka Wijayanti jayanti (Author) Development of Augmented Reality (AR) Based Minibook Media on Solar System Material for Grade VI Elementary School 2024-08-23T11:02:17+07:00 Safira Suryani Filia Prima Atharina Mira Azizah <p>This research is motivated by the challenges in learning the Solar System at SD Negeri 2 Gedangalas. These learning students' difficulties in understanding science learning about the Solar System in class VI, the lack of use of technology-based learning media, limitations in learning media that can support learning, as well as the lack of application of active and innovative learning in science learning about the Solar System in class VI. Therefore, the aim of this research is to develop Minibook Learning Media Based on Augmented Reality (AR) as an effort to overcom the challenges of learning the Solar System at SD Negeri 2 Gedangalas. This research is included in the Research and Development (R&amp;D) category. Validation is carried out by material experts and media experts. The subjects of this research were students at SD Negeri 2 Gedangalas, with a small-scale trial involving 16 students and a large-scale trial involving 30 students&nbsp;. Data collection used an instrument in the form of a questionnaire. Data analysis was carried out descriptively qualitatively and descriptively quantitatively in the form of percentages. The research results showed that the validation of material experts in all aspects was rated "Very Good" with an average score of 93,35%. Media experts also gave a rating of "Very Good" with an average score of 95,37%. Small group testing showed student ratings of “Very Good” with an average score of 87,75. Thus, it can be concluded that the results of this research have produced an Augmented Reality (AR)-based Minibook learning media product that is effectively used by elementary school students.</p> 2024-08-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Safira Suryani (Author) Development of Counting Box Media to Improve Understanding of Addition and Subtraction of Grade II Elementary School Students 2024-08-07T02:23:08+07:00 Aan Puspitasari Intan Susetyo Kusumo Wardhani Yovita Puspasari <p>The purpose of this study was to develop a counting box learning media that will be used to improve the understanding of addition and subtraction of grade II elementary school students that is valid, practical and effective. The type of method in this study is Research and Development (R&amp;D). The product development model is ADDIE. Data collection techniques by conducting interviews, observations, questionnaires and tests. Analysis of research data using data analysis of validity, reliability, discrimination, level of difficulty, normality, homogeneity, hypothesis and effectiveness. The results carried out by the researcher, namely the validity of the counting box media in improving the understanding of addition and subtraction in grade II elementary school students, are suitable for use and have been validated by experts. The results of the validation of media experts were 98% (Very valid), material experts were 95.45% (Very valid), language experts were 91%% (Very valid), and practitioner experts were 95%% (Very Practical). Product trials conducted by researchers were in 2 stages, namely small-scale trials and field-scale trials. The results of the small-scale acquisition of pretest and posttest questions show that the average pretest score is 47.5, while the average posttest score is 55.5. The increase from the pretest to the posttest score is 8. On the field scale, the results of the average pretest score are 40, while the average posttest score increases to 92. So it can be concluded that there is an increase from the pretest to the posttest score of 52. Based on this, the counting box media is very valid, practical and effective to use in learning.</p> 2024-08-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Aan Puspitasari, Intan Susetyo Kusumo Wardhani, Yovita Puspasari (Author)