Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar Nusantara

Analysis of the reading ability of low vision students at the primary school teacher education, PGRI Ronggolawe University
Abstract views: 200 , PDF downloads: 221 -
Gedsi integration in UMM PGSD student learning tools
Abstract views: 185 , PDF downloads: 13 -
Development of website-based teaching materials on the solar system for class V elementary school students
Abstract views: 173 , PDF downloads: 92 -
Improving mathematics learning outcomes on fraction material using pbl-based petis (automatic fraction) media for elementary school students
Abstract views: 92 , PDF downloads: 91 -
Implementation of the project for strengthening the profile of pancasila students in the primary school level mobilization school program in soppeng regency
Abstract views: 103 , PDF downloads: 62 PDF downloads: 0 -
Improving mathematics learning outcomes on subtraction material using canva-based learning media for grade 1 elementary school students
Abstract views: 191 , PDF downloads: 104 -
Influence of assisted POE (predict, observe, explain) model diorama on students' understanding of science concepts at SD Negeri Pringapus 01
Abstract views: 101 , PDF downloads: 49 -
Analyzing contribution of pioneeringteachers to improv their competence in Rote Ndao district in East Nusa Tenggara
Abstract views: 110 , PDF downloads: 0 PDF downloads: 42 -
Analysis of needs for development of animated video learning media arina expressions based on local wisdom Kediri SDN Burengan II Kediri
Abstract views: 161 , PDF downloads: 62 -
Analysis of mastery of material concepts, narrative texts and procedure texts in class 4 MI Hidayatus Shibyan students
Abstract views: 122 , PDF downloads: 48 -
Case study: Problematics of implementing differentiation learning in Kediri city
Abstract views: 208 , PDF downloads: 46