FOCI Commitment pada Job Performance dengan Generasi X dan Y sebagai variabel Moderator
Kinerja pekerjaan; FOCI komitmen; generasi X, generasi YAbstract
Research aim : The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of generational differences in the interrelationships among affective commitment (AC) and sustainable job performance between Gen X and Gen Y employees.
Design/Methode/Approach: The research design used is correlational research that aims to test and analyze the influence of independent variables on dependent variables. The data used is primary data through questionnaires distributed through google form. The population of this study is all employees of Auto 2000 in Jakarta, Tangerang, Depok and Bekasi as many as 500 employees. The number of respondents used was 320 respondents where the sampling method used purposive sampling. The analysis tool used is the Structural Equation Model (SEM) using Smart-PLS software.
Research Finding : The results showed that one of three FOCI (affective commitment to the organization, affective commitment to the supervisor, and affective commitment to coworkers) was found to be positively related to job performance, namely contextual performance.
Theoretical contribution/Originality : From the results of data analysis, it is also concluded that the generation difference between generation X and generation Y does not affect FOCI on job performance.
Practitionel/Policy implication : The results of the study provide input for decision makers in companies that affective FOCI of commitment has a relationship with Job Performance. Therefore, company leaders can make good policies to improve employee performance.
Research limitation : This research has several limitations in the selection of dimensions of the FOCI of Commitment ( AC) affective variable, namely in the aspects of commitment to organization, commitment to supervisors, and commitment to coworker.
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