Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal pendidikan dasar nusantara

Full Issue
Character education of elementary school students on online learning
Abstract views: 592 , PDF downloads: 532 -
Application of stem-based on flipped learning in natural sensitivity courses
Abstract views: 327 , PDF downloads: 275 -
Multiliteracy literature models: solutions for reading learning models in the covid-19 pandemic era
Abstract views: 415 , PDF downloads: 311 -
Improving the ability to analysis social phenomenons with the interdisciplinary approach of the group investigation model
Abstract views: 218 , PDF downloads: 207 -
Implementation of learning during the covid-19 in college
Abstract views: 235 , PDF downloads: 248 -
Implementation of behavioristic theory in online learning of Indonesian lessons in class IV of elementary school
Abstract views: 515 , PDF downloads: 523 -
Elementary school learning system in Trenggalek during the covid 19 pandemic
Abstract views: 259 , PDF downloads: 230 -
Design and validation of thematic e-modules: optimization of problem solving-based learning
Abstract views: 259 , PDF downloads: 280 -
Relationship between critical thinking and creative thinking through zoom meeting on science learning in elementary school
Abstract views: 491 , PDF downloads: 417 -
Analysis of animation videos in online learning in class IV students of MI Imam Syafi'i
Abstract views: 314 , PDF downloads: 258 -
Analysis of learning facilities utilization in online learning in class IV students in SDN 021 North Samarinda
Abstract views: 280 , PDF downloads: 344 -
Development of contextual teaching-based e-modules in grade V elementary school learning
Abstract views: 314 , PDF downloads: 371 -
Creative thinking with stem-based project-based learning model in elementary mathematics learning
Abstract views: 929 , PDF downloads: 733 -
The learning innovation of art performance development courses of PGSD students' in UNP Kediri in calon arang story
Abstract views: 262 , PDF downloads: 208