Published: Jan 31, 2022

Character education of elementary school students on online learning

244-256 Shaden Al Mahabbah Havi, Imas Srinana Wardani , Apri Irianto (Author)
Read Statistic: 532

Application of stem-based on flipped learning in natural sensitivity courses

257-268 M. Misbachul Huda, Adhy Putri Rilianti (Author)
Read Statistic: 204

Multiliteracy literature models: solutions for reading learning models in the covid-19 pandemic era

269-280 Yunus Abidin, Rianita Kartika Eka Putri , S. Nailul Muna Aljamaliah (Author)
Read Statistic: 290

Improving the ability to analysis social phenomenons with the interdisciplinary approach of the group investigation model

281-294 Ilmawati Fahmi Imron (Author)
Read Statistic: 142

Implementation of learning during the covid-19 in college

295-304 Kharisma Eka Putri, Frans Aditia Wiguna (Author)
Read Statistic: 178

Implementation of behavioristic theory in online learning of Indonesian lessons in class IV of elementary school

305-320 Maya Nurani (Author)
Read Statistic: 460

Elementary school learning system in Trenggalek during the covid 19 pandemic

321-331 Dhenisa Nur Rahmadani, Putri Eka Rahayu, Rian Damariswara (Author)
Read Statistic: 191

The influence of video-based media multiplication boards in improving mathematics learning outcomes for MI plus grade II students Al-Istighotsah Tulungagung

332-343 Lina Falah, Eni Setyowati, H. Akhyak (Author)
Read Statistic: 223

Design and validation of thematic e-modules: optimization of problem solving-based learning

344-353 Denna Delawanti Chrisyarani, Prihatin Sulistyowati (Author)
Read Statistic: 191

Relationship between critical thinking and creative thinking through zoom meeting on science learning in elementary school

354-366 Meirza Nanda Faradita, Deni Adi Putra, Muhammad Nuruddin (Author)
Read Statistic: 402

The effect of the use of information and communication technology (ICT) learning media on the student’s learning activity in class V SD Negeri Pannara Makassar City

367-379 Rahma Ashari Hamzah (Author)
Read Statistic: 242

Analysis of animation videos in online learning in class IV students of MI Imam Syafi'i

380-394 Noviardani Kartika Prameswari, Nasyrotul Ummah (Author)
Read Statistic: 217

Analysis of learning facilities utilization in online learning in class IV students in SDN 021 North Samarinda

395-414 Nurul Hikmah, Afdal, Junefra (Author)
Read Statistic: 196

Development of contextual teaching-based e-modules in grade V elementary school learning

415-433 Mega Prasrihamni Mega, Arita Marini, Herlina (Author)
Read Statistic: 227

Creative thinking with stem-based project-based learning model in elementary mathematics learning

434-444 Nora Surmilasari, Marini, Herlina Usman (Author)
Read Statistic: 744

The learning innovation of art performance development courses of PGSD students' in UNP Kediri in calon arang story

445-456 Wahyudi, Ayu Titis Rukmana Sari (Author)
Read Statistic: 193