Aplikasi Mobile Untuk Menekan Biaya Penjualan Produk Pertanian Lokal
reducing selling cost, mobile application, local agricultural products, user friendly, small data footprintAbstract
Research aim: This mobile application development aims to directly connect local agricultural producers to their buyers without any intermediary party in order to keep the selling costs minimum.
Design/Methode/Approach: Rapid Application Development method with User Oriented are used in this research, which allows a relatively short development time and supports a more intense interaction with the related stakeholders.
Research Finding: This research finds that simplification of transactions and more exposure through this application is very important.
Theoretical contribution/Originality: This application has unique functions and interfaces that are designed as simple as possible to be easily operated by local agricultural producers, even with minimum digital literacy level.
Practitionel/Policy implication: This implicated on application speed factor, data transmission size, and minimum hardware requirements are also the main criterias on which this application development is based. The result is a new and unique mobile application which is easy to use, does not consume too much internet quota, and supports older smartphones which are very beneficial for stakeholder.
Research limitation: However system limitations such as integration with digital payment, rating systems, and recommendation systems still not covered yet.
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