Ekonomi Digital dan Inklusi Keuangan Terhadap Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional
Digital economic, Financial Inclusion, Economic RecoveryAbstract
Research aim : This study aims to present or explain the results of a critical review of economic and financial theory used for the National Economic Recovery strategy.
Design/Methode/Approach : This study uses a qualitative model with a literature study approach.
Research Finding : The digital economy and ecosystem supported by increased financial inclusion are able to accelerate the acceleration of the National Economic Recovery.
Theoretical contribution/Originality : This research is also a follow-up study that proves that the financial stimulus of the creative industry sector has shifted to the digital economy with increased financial inclusion in it.
Practitionel/Policy implication : Aspects in the digital economy (people, economic, and governance) are one unit to support PEN.
Research limitation : The limitation of this research lies in the object of research which is only devoted to PEN in Indonesia, not the ASEAN region.
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