Prediksi Prestasi Lompat Jauh Gaya Menggantung Ditinjau dari Faktor Kemampuan Fisik Siswa Putra SMP
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physical ability
long jump
hanging style

How to Cite

Triasmono, H. K., Sugiyanto, S., & Kristiyanto, A. (2017). Prediksi Prestasi Lompat Jauh Gaya Menggantung Ditinjau dari Faktor Kemampuan Fisik Siswa Putra SMP. Jurnal SPORTIF : Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran, 3(2), 142-153.


This study aims to find out the truth about the factors of physical ability that include leg muscle power, abdominal muscle power, hip flexion, back extension,

speed, and coordination of Eye and Foot in predicting the achievement of long jump style hanging on junior high school students, this research used a purposive random sampling with correlational research method. The population of this research is the students of SMP Negeri 2 Bulukerto is 212 students and the sample is 100 students, the sampling technique used purposive random sampling with several criteria in accordance with the research.. The dependent variable is hang style long jump achievement. Data analysis technique used regression correlation analysis by testing the normality and linearity test prerequisite. Hypothesis testing using regression analysis and correlation of each predictor and multiple regression analysis and multiple correlation. The results showed that when the physical ability factor simultaneously predicted the achievement of hanging style long jump, there would be an increase in the long jump performance of hanging style of 1.09 for each increase of 1 unit measurement of leg muscle power, an increase of 0.06 for each increase of 1 unit  measurement of abdominal muscle power, an increase of 0.3 for each increase of 1 unit measurement of hip flexion, an increase of 0.6 for each increase of 1 unit measurement of back extention, an increase of 0.3 for each increase of 1 unit measurement of speed, and an increase of 0.02 for each increase of 1 unit measurement of coordination of eye and foot. The conclusion of this study is that the ability factor has a correlation and can predict the achievement of long jump hanging style.
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