Jurnal SPORTIF : Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran

Current Issue

Vol. 10 No. 3 (2024)
Published October 16, 2024
Jurnal SPORTIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran

Jurnal SPORTIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran, a national scientific journal, is open to seeking innovation, creativity, and novelty. Jurnal SPORTIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri in collaboration with Asosiasi Prodi Olahraga Perguruan Tinggi PGRI (APOPI). The journal aims to facilitate the scientific publication of research results in Indonesia and boost the quality and quantity of research for academics and researchers. Since 2020, Jurnal SPORTIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran has published three times a year, in April, August, and December by publishing research results and critical analysis studies in the fields of Physical Education, Sports Tourism, Sports Coaching, Physical Activity, Sports Biomechanics, Sports Pedagogy, Sports Physiology, Sports Psychology, and Traditional Sports. Jurnal SPORTIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran is a medium of information and dissemination for research results in the field of sports. Jurnal SPORTIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran is expected to actively and continuously disseminate the results of research for the development of science and technology (IPTEK) in the field of sports in Indonesia. This edition features 12 articles, all articles have been reviewed through a rigorous review process by reviewers/interested partners.


Jurnal SPORTIF : Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran in Collaboration with APOPI

With great pride, the editorial team of Jurnal SPORTIF: Jurnal Penelitian Belajar informs you about the re-establishment of cooperation with the PGRI Sports Study Program Association (APOPI), where this collaboration was agreed on August 22, 2022, in Surabaya.


October 10, 2022

Call For Paper Jurnal SPORTIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran Volume 8 Number 4 December 2022

Dear Sir/Madam, we invite researchers to publish the results of research and study of sports science in Sportif Journal: Journal of Learning Research on Vol. 8 No. 4, December 2022. The template format can be downloaded in the manuscript https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ECcadzIkMYPkKIB65whBLq4XGvlQS71P/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=112513541009699926998&rtpof=true&sd=true can be sent directly through online submissions in http://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/pjk/about/submissions with register first. If you feel confused in submitting, please download the submit guide at the current https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DeSIUWc7r9FyOnzd3ZVzUFuBkw1wvVQc/view or https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KJ7Kyi-8j5RJLW721wifBQ2fGCTsOiSL/view?usp=sharing, Jurnal SPORTIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran has been indexed DOAJ, SINTA 2, Crossref, BASE, IPI, ISJD, Google Scholar, Indonesia One Search, GARUDA, Dimensions and Open Aire. Contact Person: M. Akbar Husein Allsabah081230012743(Telp/WA)


September 24, 2022

Jurnal SPORTIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran accepts the following types of papers

Jurnal SPORTIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran accepts the following types of papers


January 22, 2020


Deddy Whinata Kardiyanto, Prayogi Dwina Angga, Andri Asrul Setiyawan
Learning media innovation with assistive devices to improve motor skills of students with special needs and visual impairment
Dira Kurnia Sari, Wilda Welis, Muhammad Sazeli Rifki, Hastria Effendi, Jhony Hendra
Effects of dietary patterns, economic factors, and hemoglobin on physical fitness in adolescent students
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