Variasi Morfologi Sukun Artocarpus altilis (Park.) Forsberg Di Kota Bekasi

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Keywords: Breadfruit; Bekasi City; Plant morphology


Breadfruit is one type of versatile plant that is of economic value because it
produces fruit with a fairly high nutritional content. Breadfruit plants have
diverse morphological variations, so their morphological variations can be used
as a way to determine a type of breadfruit, especially whether the quality is
superior or not. This study aims to determine the morphological variations of
breadfruit plants (Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Forsberg) originating from
villages in Bekasi City. The stages of this study include observation and
observation of morphological characters ranging from trees, leaves, flowers and
fruits. Breadfruit plants in Bekasi city have an average height of ±11.5 m, with
the highest breadfruit plants reaching 12.90 m and the lowest 7.9 m, the largest
breadfruit stem circumference is 125 cm and the smallest is 98.5 cm, the
largest breadfruit canopy diameter is 4.67 m and the smallest is 6.14 m, the
shape of the canopy of the Breadfruit plant in Bekasi city is irregular, pyramids
and pyramids are broad, the leaves of the Breadfruit plant in Bekasi city, in
general, have the same shape, namely dark green, rhombus-shaped with
pinnate leaf bones, tapered leaf tips and leaf edges are enamelled, the male
flowers of Breadfruit are in the form of a whole with a diameter of up to 5 cm
and a length of 45 cm consisting of many individual flowers, tubular flowers
containing a single stamen with two anthers on thick filaments, male and female
flowers on breadfruit plants are separated in the same plant, the morphology of
breadfruit in the city of Bekasi has the characteristics of a rounded shape, the
surface of the skin of the fruit is prickly, if palpable it feels rough, as well as
white fruit flesh.

Author Biography

Angga Rahabistara Sumadji, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya

Program studi Biologi - Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya dengan Bidang Ilmu Biologi Sel dan Molekuler


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How to Cite
Sumadji, A. R., Ganjari, L. E., Adhy Nugroho, C., & Purwaningsih , E. (2022). Variasi Morfologi Sukun Artocarpus altilis (Park.) Forsberg Di Kota Bekasi. Jurnal Biologi Dan Pembelajarannya (JB&P), 9(2), 76-85.