Identifikasi Salah Satu Bentuk Sel Epidermis Pada Beberapa Daun Sub Kelas Asteridae


  • sri rezeki Universitas Samudra



Derivat epidermis, Stomata, Trikoma


The epidermis is the layer of cells on the outside and covers the surface of
leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, stems and roots. The function of the epidermis is
to protect the internal organs of the plant. Based on its function, the epidermis
can develop and undergo modifications like stomata and trichomes. This
research was conducted with the aim of identifying one of the epidermal
derivatives in plants from the Asteridae subclass. In this study, the method used
to observe epidermal cells was the Halsil descriptive method obtained based on
research the form of the epidermis on some leaves of the Asteridae subclass,
including the frangipani plant (Plumeria) which has stomata of the parasitic
type. Furthermore, eggplant (Solanum melongena) has non-glandular type
trichomes. After that, the cayenne pepper (Capsicum sp) had anisocytic type of
stomata. Then the tomato plant (Lypersicum esculentum) has anomocytic type
of stomata. In addition to the derived form of the epidermis on the leaves, there
are stomata, trichomes, bulforms, lithocyte cells and myrosin. Furthermore, in
the stem there are silica cells and cork cells. Then at the root there are root
hairs and velamen. Derivatives of the epidermis, Stomata, Trichomes.


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How to Cite

rezeki, sri. (2023). Identifikasi Salah Satu Bentuk Sel Epidermis Pada Beberapa Daun Sub Kelas Asteridae . Jurnal Biologi Dan Pembelajarannya (JB&P), 10(1), 7–13.