Fatigue effect on movement kinematic changes of overhead jumping smash in badminton


The purpose of this study is to determine fatigue effect on the changes of Movement parameter kinematic in the upper body during overhead jumping smash in badminton. The method used in this study is quantitative descriptive with pre-test and post-test design approach. The sample is 12 male badminton university players who have overhead jumping smash technical with an average age of 19.4 ± 1.6 years, height 1.73 ± 0.12m and weight of 60.8 ± 3.7kg. This study employs a 3D force platform device, 3 Panasonic camera, motion analysis software Frame DIAZ IV, cosmed direct gas analyzer and radar speed gun. The results show that in the maximum angular velocity phase, there are significant differences in the four variables during fatigue and non-fatigue conditions including shoulder internal rotation (P = 0.042), elbow extension (P = 0.035), forearm supination (P = 0.024) and wrist dorsi flexion (P = 0.040). Furthermore, in the instant of maximal external shoulder rotation phase, there are three significant differences including shuttlecock velocity (P = 0.035), shoulder external rotation (P = 0.048) and wrist palmar flexion (P = 0.037). The conclusion is the internal shoulder rotation, wrist palmar flexion and forearm supination contribute significantly to shuttlecock velocity during overhead jumping smash in badminton.

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