The relevance of racquet angel and Shuttlecock releasing on badminton
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racquet angel
shuttlecock releasing

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Triaiditya, B. S. M., Santoso, D. A., & Rubiono, G. (2020). The relevance of racquet angel and Shuttlecock releasing on badminton. Jurnal SPORTIF : Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran, 6(1), 27-39.


Badminton players use various techniques and strategies in winning the game. One of the techniques is establishing the precise racquet angel for shuttlecock releasing. Hence, this technique relies on the swing of shuttlecock which will affect the bouncing on the racket strings and the way of landing on the other side. This study aims to obtain the relevance of the racquet angle and shuttlecock releasing. The study is conducted with the experiments of shuttlecock bouncing. The initial distance of free fall varies of 100, 125 and 150 cm. The racket with 25 lb string tension is positioned on the clamping mechanism arranged by definite angle. This mechanism is mounted on the wall which is equipped with a meter to observe the releasing. The camera is positioned 2 meters from the wall. Data is taken 5 times. The data which is in the Video form is altered into photos. These photos are analyzed using Kinovea 0.8.15. The result shows that the inclination of racquet angle has impact on shuttlecock releasing.
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