Evaluative study of physical education, sport, and health teachers’ competency level


This study aims to conclude Elementary School Physical EducationSport, and Health teachers’ competency level employing Teacher Competency Test (UKG) with a self-assessment model along with physical evidence, without the pressure of the provided answers, as well as to assess the competency level based on teachers’ length of service. Likewise, this research is an evaluative research using a quantitative descriptive research approach of Goal Oriented Evaluation. Teacher Competency Test (UKG) results are strongly and significantly related to teachers’ proficiency measurements as well as can be used as an alternative measurement of teacher competency levels. Hence, based on the measurement results, 9 teachers are in the fair level, 36 teachers are in the good levels, and 7 teachers are in the excellent level. The analysis of teachers’ length of service states a significant influence between the length and the competence level. Hence, the conclusion of the analysis is the longer the length of service, the lower the teachers’ competency level. However, the involved resources in this study have shortcomings which is evidenced by the lack of understanding to provide an explanation of physical evidence in accordance with the chosen answers.

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