The role of rhythmic gymnastics for physical fitness for elementary school students


rhythmic gymnastics
physical fitness
elementary school

How to Cite

Pasaribu, A. M. N., & Mashuri, H. (2019). The role of rhythmic gymnastics for physical fitness for elementary school students. Jurnal SPORTIF : Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran, 5(1), 89–97.


Physical fitness for elementary school children is a major aspect in supporting children's growth and development. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of rhythmic gymnastics on physical fitness. This research is a pre-experimental research with a single group pretest-posttest design. The sampling technique used a saturated sampling technique or total sampling with 30 students. Then the data collection techniques in this study were conducted using the Indonesian Physical Fitness Test (TKJI) for ages 6-9 years. The results of the study found that the relative contribution of the use of rhythmic gymnastics increased with the results of pretest / posttest = 10.87 / 19.77 x 100% = 54.98%. Thus the contribution of more than 50% means rhythmic gymnastics in this study can be said to be effective for improving physical fitness of children in elementary schools and for 45.02% can be obtained from other treatments.


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