Using Busuu App to Learn Vocabulary For 7th-Grade of SMP Istafad


  • Elviana Lia Rahmawati Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
  • Murti Ayu Wijayanti
  • Yusti Fargianti



Vocabulary, Busuu app, vocabulary learning


The purpose of this study is to examine how the Busuu learning application has been implemented in vocabulary learning, what are the challenges in using Busuu, and the student’s reactions to using Busuu in vocabulary learning in grade 7 of Istafad Middle School. To find out, researchers used a qualitative method with a case study design. Observations, interviews, and questionnaires were used as the means. These data were analyzed using Miles and Huberman matrix analysis, which consists of conduction, display, and verification. Research has shown that teachers implement her Busuu application in vocabulary lessons by adapting the learning materials to the content of her Busuu application. When teachers use the Busuu application to teach vocabulary, they face the challenge of building a good dialogue between teachers and students. On the other hand, when students use her Busuu application, they can chat with native speakers, use the voice memos application to check pronunciation, complete missing words in sentences, and take tests to rearrange words. You will face multiple challenges such as The reaction of students when using her Busuu application during vocabulary learning is something that keeps them satisfied and actively and enthusiastically participating in the learning process. Based on the research conducted, teachers are encouraged to be more creative with their learning media. 


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How to Cite

Using Busuu App to Learn Vocabulary For 7th-Grade of SMP Istafad. (2024). English Education:Journal of English Teaching and Research, 9(1), 49-60.