Effects of alkali-based drinking on blood tactic levels and rest beat after high intensity physical activity in soccer players
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alkaline water
heart rate

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Kusuma, M. N. H. (2020). Effects of alkali-based drinking on blood tactic levels and rest beat after high intensity physical activity in soccer players. Jurnal SPORTIF : Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran, 6(2), 348-363. https://doi.org/10.29407/js_unpgri.v6i2.14196


Soccer player requires excellent cardio respiratory levels to move actively while change a position, shooting, dribbling, kicking and running up to a distance of 8-10 km. Various types of sports drinks are presently consumed by athletes to enhance physical endurance. This study examines the effect of alkaline drinks (pH-9) on blood lactate levels and recovery heart rate after high intensity exercise. The study is pretest and posttest design using a control group with samples of 40 male’s university soccer athletes. A total of 1800 ml of alkaline drinks were consumed (3 series of 600ml at 4-hrs prior, during and after) and perform a level-1 Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test. Lactate levels and heart rate examines at the 1st, 3rd and 5th minutes after a physical fitness test. Shapiro-wilk was applied for prerequisite tests, while for bivariate analysis using paired sample T-tests and independent sample T-tests. The results presented that consuming alkaline drinks (pH-9) had a significant effect in inhibiting the increase in Lactic Acid (p=0.001), advancing up recovery process in the 1st minute (p=0.460), 3rd (p=0.942) and 5th (p=0.887), has no effect on cardiorespiratory level (p=0.001). We can conclude it that consuming alkaline water can inhibit physical fatigue, recover fatigue faster, nevertheless cannot improve cardiorespiratory level after high intensity exercise for soccer players.

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