Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Math Educator Nusantara
Full Issue
Tik-tok application: Development of mathematics learning media for lines and series materials to increase learning interest of high school students
Abstract views: 3243 , PDF downloads: 2547 -
Trial And Validation Of Etnobatic Applications As A Media Mathematics Learning Based On Android
Abstract views: 265 , PDF downloads: 235 -
Critical Thinking Skills in Phlegmatic Students Using Learning Videos
Abstract views: 383 , PDF downloads: 236 -
The spatial reasoning of junior high school student in solving spatial problems in terms of brain dominance
Abstract views: 271 , PDF downloads: 255 -
Development inovatif statistic e-modul based multiple representation
Abstract views: 288 , PDF downloads: 295 -
Realistic mathematics education: Building mathematical conceptions in sasak culture
Abstract views: 346 , PDF downloads: 231 -
Students’ creative thinking capability in hots exam based on basic math competency
Abstract views: 469 , PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) downloads: 521 -
Analysis of Student Errors in Solving Problems with Positive and Negative Integers
Abstract views: 460 , PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) downloads: 466