Math Educator Nusantara: Wahana Publikasi Karya Tulis Ilmiah di Bidang Pendidikan Matematika2024-12-03T21:17:28+07:00Jatmiko, Journal Systems<div class="page"> <p><strong>Call For Paper </strong><br><strong>Math Educator Journal Nusanatara: A Forum for Publication of Scientific Writing of Mathematics Education</strong>, Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri, invites you to publish your best writings in our journal. Math Educator Journal Nusanatara: Forum for Publication of Scientific Writing in the Field of Mathematics Education contains the results of research and scientific studies from lecturers, teachers, practitioners and observers of mathematics and mathematics education from various universities and educational institutions in Indonesia.</p> </div> Design of Student Worksheets on Integer Material Using the Context of Musi Rawas Tourism2024-12-01T23:50:05+07:00Sukasno Sukasnosukasno@gmail.comZulkardi Ilma Indra Putriratu.ilma@yahoo.comSomakim<p>This study aims to design student worksheets on integer material using the context of Musi Rawas tourism. The designed worksheets are expected to provide students with a more engaging and relevant learning experience by incorporating real-life examples and problems related to the local tourism industry. This study uses a design research method with validation studies, including <em>preliminary design and the design experiment (pilot experiment)</em>. The results of this study show that the designed worksheets effectively integrate integer concepts with the context of Musi Rawas tourism, making the learning experience more meaningful and enjoyable for students. The study concludes that contextualised learning materials, such as these worksheets, can significantly enhance students' understanding and retention of mathematical concepts.</p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sukasno Sukasno, Zulkardi Zulkardi, Ratu Ilma Indra Putri, Somakim Somakim Mathematics Education Model for Logical Reasoning of Primary Students2024-12-02T00:01:52+07:00Reza Aulia Windariwindari.umsida@gmail.comMohammad Faizal<p>Logical reasoning for primary school students is still relatively low. Meanwhile, primary school students need logical reasoning to solve problems based on reasonable facts. Realistic mathematics education (RME) model is thought to improve students' logical reasoning. The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of RME model on logical reasoning of primary school students. A quasi-experimental design with one group pretest-posttest was applied as the research design. Meanwhile, the research sample was taken in one of the public primary schools in Sidoarjo<em>,</em> which was randomly selected. Data analysis techniques used descriptive and inferential. The results showed a difference in the average pretest and posttest scores on logical reasoning. Meanwhile, the paired t-test result of 0.000 <0.05 provides evidence that there is indeed a substantial relationship between the application of the RME model and the improvement of logical reasoning skills of primary school students. Thus, the RME model <em>significantly affects</em> the logical reasoning of primary school students.</p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Reza Aulia Windari, Mohammad Faizal Amir Great Mathematics Teacher: Student Perspectives in Technology-Based Learning 2024-12-02T10:34:58+07:00Sumbaji<p>After the Covid-19 pandemic, the impact of life on the economic, social, health, and education sectors is still being felt. One of the changes in education is the increasing number of technology-based learning. This research aims to find out students' perspectives on online learning, the technology used by teachers in learning, and online learning strategies based on students' perspectives. Researchers use phenomenological research. Researchers began collecting data using a questionnaire followed by semi-structured interviews. Data analysis was carried out using the Bogdan & Biklen approach including data reduction, categorization of data into sub-themes and themes, deduce. The research shows that students have difficulty understanding mathematics when learning online. The use of technology that is not optimal causes impacts. Teachers do not take advantage of virtual meetings which can be a medium for meetings between students and teachers, so that both can build communication and closeness between teachers and students which will help students understand mathematics material.</p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sumbaji Putranto of Geometry Cards Based on Augmented Reality to Improve Critical Thinking Skills in Elementary Students2024-12-02T10:50:19+07:00Etika Gustri Rahayuetikarahayu343@gmail.comSri Adi Al<p>This study aims to determine the validity and practicality of the mathematics building card learning media using Augmented Reality technology to improve critical thinking skills. This study uses the design and development stages. The design stage aims to design a prototype of the mathematics building card using Augmented Reality technology. In contrast, the development stage seeks to test the validity and practicality of the mathematics building card using Augmented Reality technology. The subjects involved in the study were seven validators in the expert validation activity and 11 people in the product practicality activity. Data analysis used V Aiken for expert validation, while practicality used the percentage of practicality. The expert validation results showed that the V Aiken calculation results were more than 0.76 for each item. The practicality results obtained a percentage for each statement item of more than 77.27. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the mathematics building card learning media product using Augmented Reality technology can be categorized as valid and practical. The results of this study imply that research products need to be further researched, such as testing the effectiveness of the resulting product.</p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Etika Gustri Rahayu, Sri Adi Widodo, Akbar Al Masjid, Jatmiko Jatmiko Technology Readiness Level Improvement (Statistical Multimedia Based on Multi Representation and Augmented Reality)2024-12-02T20:36:03+07:00Ika Ardianaardianadaffa2013@gmail.comMatius Pai’<p><strong>Abstract: </strong>SEMAR (Statistical Multimedia Based on Multi-representation and Augmented Reality) is a digital innovation in the form of learning multimedia that can improve numeracy literacy in statistics learning. SEMAR is a prototype developed from an integrated statistical e-module of multi-representation and augmented reality with Technology Readiness Level (TKT 3) with increased innovation from website-based media to android-based multimedia (TKT 4). The purpose of improving TKT is intended to achieve the novelty of SEMAR products in supporting independent learning of statistics in Indonesia. The TKT improvement method used is through expert validation test techniques and national-scale public tests. Both tests were carried out at seven universities in Indonesia, including Nusantara PGRI University Kediri, PGRI University Madiun, Nahdatul Ulama University Blitar, Madura University, Khairun University Ternate, Cendrawasih University, and Indonesian Christian University Toraja. The results of the validation test show that the average SEMAR feasibility value is 90.92% with a very feasible category, and the average SEMAR user response is 77.87% with a good user response category.</p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ika Santia, Ardiana Ardiana, Matius Pai’pinan, Hersiyati Palayukan, Moh. Zayyadi of Mathematics Problem Solving of MA Salafiyah Menganti Students Based on Personality Type2024-12-02T21:38:31+07:00Dwinta Stanidwintastani459@gmail.comLia Budi Tristantibtlia@rocketmail.comJauhara Dian Nurul<p>The purpose of this study was to describe the math problem solving profile of MA Salafiyah Menganti students in terms of introverted personality type and extroverted personality type. This research method uses descriptive qualitative. The results showed (1) introverted students in identifying known data, asked by being silent first, writing symbols according to what they understand, when making a mathematical model the subject pays attention to the problem given, writing the method used using elimination followed by substituting, the subject is seen solving the problem in detail and structured, solving the problem looks focused and working sequentially according to the steps, (2) extroverted students in identifying known and questionable data, by notwriting sentences, but only circling the problem and reading aloud, the subject spontaneously wrote symbols in the form of variables, the subject made a mathematical model by writing the equation, the subject revealed thestrategy by substitution, in applying the strategy.</p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dwinta Stani, Lia Budi Tristanti, Jauhara Dian Nurul Iffah Student Activities And Learning Outcomes Through Learning Implementation With Hybrid Text-Book2024-12-02T21:49:40+07:00I Gusti Agung Ngurah Trisna Nicelia Pramestiniceliapramesti12@gmail.comPutu Dian Karlina<p>Monotonous learning methods, such as long lectures, repetition of material without variety, and lack of engaging interaction, can cause students to feel bored and unmotivated to pay attention or understand the material being taught. This study aims to assess the extent to which the implementation of hybrid text-books in the learning process can increase the level of student involvement in learning, while improving their learning outcomes. This research is a classroom action research (PTK) conducted with the aim of improving student learning outcomes of class XI G at SMA N 2 Mengwi, which has 38 students.. This research method consists of two cycles, where each cycle consists of four meetings. Analysis of learning outcomes in each cycle resulted in the percentage of students who successfully achieved or exceeded the minimum completeness criterion score of 75. The results showed that the average score of all students at the Pre-Cycle stage was 50.15; the average overall score of students at the Cycle I stage reached 72.07; The average overall score of students in Cycle II also showed a significant improvement, reaching 80.92. The implications of this study highlight the importance of utilizing technology, such as hybrid textbooks, in improving student engagement and teacher teaching effectiveness to create inclusive and adaptive learning environments.</p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 I Gusti Agung Ngurah Trisna Jayantika, Kadek Nicelia Pramesti, Putu Dian Karlina Dewi of Mathematical Communication Ability in View of Students' Learning Style on Straight Line Equation Material 2024-12-02T22:04:55+07:00Adrila Murani<p>Communication skills include the ability to express the understanding that has been obtained from learning by using mathematical language such as numbers, symbols, notations or graphs. Low category communication skills can be influenced by one of them by learning style. The purpose of this research is to analyze and describe the mathematical communication skills of students on straight line equation material when viewed from learning styles so that it can be known how the mathematical communication skills of students with visual, auditorial and kinesthetic learning styles. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The research was conducted at SMPN 48 Pekanbaru with the research subjects of class VIII in the 2023/2024 school year. The data collection techniques used were tests and interviews. Tests to obtain data on students' mathematical communication skills and interviews to confirm students' answers. The results showed that visual learning style subjects obtained higher mathematical communication skills than auditorial and kinesthetic learning styles because they almost achieved all indicators of mathematical communication skills.</p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Adrila Andria, Nahor Murani Hutapea, Elfis Suanto of Problem-Solving Ability Based on Polya Theory in Solving Comparative Material Problems2024-12-03T19:35:05+07:00Tania<p>The purpose of this study is to describe the problem-solving ability in comparative materials, especially in story problems. The ability to solve problems by using the strategy of polya theory, namely: understanding the problem, making a plan, implementing the plan and re-examining. The research method used is qualitative descriptive. The data collection techniques used in this study are written tests and interviews. The subjects of this study include 3 grade VII students of SMP Negeri 48 Pekanbaru who have been taught comparative material. The research instruments used are description tests and interview guidelines. The results of the study showed that (1) students with high academic abilities were able to understand problems, plan problem solving, implement solution plans, and recheck answers according to Polya stages. (2) Students with medium academic ability are only able to understand problems, plan and implement problem solving plans, but are not able to recheck the answers. (3) Students with low academic ability have difficulty understanding problems, do not write down a solution plan, have difficulty doing calculations, and are unable to recheck answers.</p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Tania Aflah, Maimunah Maimunah, Yenita Roza Implementation of Discovery Learning Integrated with UbD to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes for Vocational High School Students2024-12-03T19:47:21+07:00Resti Elmi Dewi<p>The mathematics learning outcomes of vocational school students are still low, including students in Madiun. There are several reasons for this, and the inadequate teaching strategy is one of them. One of Madiun's vocational high schools continues to employ the teacher-centered, direct learning approach to instruction. It is anticipated that using Understanding by Design (UbD) in conjunction with discovery learning will enhance students' learning results in mathematics who attend vocational high schools. Improving students' learning outcomes in mathematics was the aim of this study. Classroom action research (PTK), which is conducted in two cycles. This PTK model has four stages: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The test sheets with multiple choice questions and descriptions of exponential material were the data instruments employed, along with observation sheets for the execution of learning activities utilizing discovery learning combined with UbD. The study's findings indicate that the use of discovery learning combined with UbD can: 1) boost students' engagement and confidence in their ability to solve problems; 2) increase discussion, Q&A, and student presentation activities; and 3) improve the learning outcomes of vocational high school students in mathematics, with cycle I completion rates of 41.17% and cycle II completion rates of 76.47%.</p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Resti Elmi Mubarkah, Vera Dewi Susanti, Samsudin Samsudin Solving Through the RME Approach for Students at Tarbiyatus Shibyan2024-12-03T20:19:26+07:00Anis umi Himmahhimmafaiq714@gmail.comLailatul<p>This research aims to describe the improvement in mathematical problem solving in fourth grade students at MI Tarbiyatus Shibyan through the use of the RME approach. This type of research is Classroom Action Research (PTK) which is implemented over two cycles where each cycle consists of three meetings. Each meeting consists of four stages, which include: 1. Planning; 2. Acting; 3. Observing; and 4. Reflecting. The subjects in this research were fourth grade students at MI Tarbiyatus Shibyan Baureno. The data collection techniques used were through interviews, tests and observations. In the pre-cycle, the average student problem solving was 35 with a completion percentage of 0%. Furthermore, in cycle 1 the average increased to 61 with a completion percentage of 40% and in cycle II it increased again to 84 with a completion percentage of 90%. Thus, it can be concluded that the RME Approach is able to optimize students' mathematical problem solving in mathematics learning</p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Anis umi Khoirotunnisa, Faiqotul Himmah, Lailatul Irnawati Of A Steam-Based Mathematics E-Module To Improve The Critical Thinking Skills Of Class IV Primary Students 2024-12-03T20:43:21+07:00Ridhotul Abadi Sholikahridhotulas25@gmail.comKowiyah Kowiyah<p>This research aims to add learning resources that can stimulate students' critical thinking by developing a STEAM-based mathematics e-module on measurement material. The method used is Research & Development with the ADDIE model. The feasibility and effectiveness of the product are the main focus in research involving material, media, language and educator experts. Through the validation process, the product is tested on students to test its effectiveness. The research results show a) based on the overall percentage of material experts 84.89%, media experts 94.90%, language experts 78.67%, and teacher validation 96.52% so that the e-module is suitable for use. b) e-modules are quite effective from the post-test results with 46.4% in improving critical thinking skills. The STEAM-based mathematics e-module with measurement material was declared suitable for use and quite effective for students.</p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ridhotul Abadi Sholikah, Kowiyah Kowiyah Analysis: Geometric Research Focus on Mathematics Education in Indonesia (2017-2023)2024-12-03T21:00:32+07:00Rona Dhiya Layli Iffahrona.dhiyali@gmail.comSri Adiningsih Utami Ningrum Sujadi<p>Geometry is one of the contents that students must master during the math learning process, so research on this topic is widely done. This study aims to determine the trend of geometry research research themes that can be used as research topics in the future. This study uses bibliometric analysis, which uses a maximum limit of 200 articles throughout 2017-2023, google scholar is used to search data with geometry keywords through Harzing's Publish or Perish program, then narrowed down to get 171 articles. The results of this study indicate that the trend of publications with geometry research themes has increased in 2018 - 2019. While the theme of geometry research topics that have the opportunity to be used as research in the future there are two keywords namely LKPD and exploration.</p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rona Dhiya Layli Iffah, Sri Adiningsih Utami Ningrum , Imam Sujadi Effect of Batik Nusantara-Based Geogebra-Assisted Learning on Students' Computational Thinking Skills2024-12-03T21:09:38+07:00Amrina Qurotul Aina Nur Auberta Ilham Maylinda<p><em>This research aims to determine the effect of geogebra-assisted learning based on Indonesian batik on students' computational thinking. This research uses the Quasi Experiment Design method with the non-equivalent group design. Hypothesis testing uses the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U Test because the data is not normally distributed. The test was carried out using the IBM SPSS Statistics 25 program. This research was carried out at SMPN 8 Madiun on 4 - 18 September 2023 with geometric transformation material. The population in this study were all class IX students at SMPN 8 Madiun, totaling 219 students. The samples were taken randomly, with 26 class IX A students as the control class and 23 class IX E students as the experimental class. The instrument of this research is a computational thinking test. This test is needed to measure students' CT in learning geometric transformation material after the treatment is given. Before the instrument is administered, validity and reliability are proven. The research results show that based on the "Test Statistics" output in the Mann-Whitney test, it is found that the value of Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.000 is smaller than <0.05 probability value, then Ho is rejected. Thus, there is a difference in students' CT test results between classes with geogebra-assisted learning based on Indonesian batik and conventional classes with an average experimental class score of 81.52 and an average conventional class score of 50.46. Because there are significant differences, it can be concluded that there is an influence of geogebra-assisted learning based on Indonesian batik on students' CT.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Geogebra, Geometric transformation, Computational Thinking, Batik Nusantara</em></p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Amrina Qurotul Aina Nur Herzani, Eni Milawati, Diva Auberta Nariswari, Dafian Ilham Pratama, Ravelia Maylinda Saputri, Davi Apriandi and Trend Analysis of Computational Thinking Research in Mathematics Education (2013-2023)2024-12-03T21:17:28+07:00Yuni Fitriyahyuni.fitriyah27@gmail.comJarnawi Afgani Dahlanjarnawi@upi.eduFitria Maghfirohmarten.fitria103@upi.eduWahyudin<p>This research aims to examine the development of computational thinking research publications in mathematics education (ME) from 2013 to 2023 and explore information networks based on keywords and author collaborations. The methodology used in this research is descriptive bibliometric analysis. Data collection was carried out using the Scopus database with the keywords 'computational thinking' and 'mathematics education'. Data was collected via the Publish or Perish application, 99 publications were obtained for analysis using VOSviewer. Bibliometric mapping results reveal that CT in ME remains a continuously observed and evolving topic, with significant increases over the past 11 years. The most dominant country in this field of research is the United States. Bibliometric mapping identified collaborations between authors from various countries, with Chee-Kit Looi recognized as the most influential contributor. Mapping based on the occurrence of keywords identifies relationships between scientific concepts, forming several dominant groups. Keywords that appear limited include CT in teacher aspects through teaching practices, learning approaches, and assessment. Research on this topic is relatively scarce with respect to STEM education, providing opportunities for future research and broader development in this area.</p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yuni Fitriyah, Jarnawi Afgani Dahlan, Wahyudin Wahyudin