Focus and Scope
JMEN contains articles on mathematics education written in both Indonesian and English. Manuscripts in the form of dissemination of research results produced by experts, scientists, practitioners, and students in the field of Mathematics Education with the scope of:
1 Math Learning Design
2 Development of Teaching Materials or Learning Models
3 Mathematics Learning Media
4 Math Learning Aids
5 Analysis of Student Difficulties in Learning
6 Mathematics Learning Evaluation
7 Mathematics Education Curriculum
8 Mathematics Learning Theory
9 History and Philosophy of Mathematics
10 Analysis of the Application of the Model/Approach/Method/Learning Strategy
11 IT-based Learning Media
12 Classroom action research
13 Mathematics Learning Creativity and Innovation
14 Lesson Study Learning Mathematics
15 Ethnomathematics
Specifically for research results, the research methods used can use quantitative research, qualitative research, mixed research, development research, design research, or other types of research related to the above topics.