Jurnal Math Educator Nusantara: Wahana Publikasi Karya Tulis Ilmiah di Bidang Pendidikan Matematika https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/matematika <div class="page"> <p><strong>Call For Paper&nbsp;</strong><br><strong>Math Educator Journal Nusanatara: A Forum for Publication of Scientific Writing of Mathematics Education</strong>, Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri, invites you to publish your best writings in our journal. Math Educator Journal Nusanatara: Forum for Publication of Scientific Writing in the Field of Mathematics Education contains the results of research and scientific studies from lecturers, teachers, practitioners and observers of mathematics and mathematics education from various universities and educational institutions in Indonesia.</p> </div> Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri en-US Jurnal Math Educator Nusantara: Wahana Publikasi Karya Tulis Ilmiah di Bidang Pendidikan Matematika 2459-9735 <p>Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:<br>1. Copyright on any article is retained by the author(s).<br>2. The author grants the journal, right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of the work’s authorship and initial publication in this journal.<br>3. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal’s published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal.<br>4. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work.<br>5. The article and any associated published material is distributed under the <strong><a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Internasional License</a></strong></p> Analysis of high school students' difficulties in solving hots problems using the two-tier test method https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/matematika/article/view/20822 <p>High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) are high-order thinking skills that should be owned and improved by Indonesian students to catch up with other countries, especially in the field of mathematics. This study aims to identify and describe students' difficulties in solving HOTS questions through the two-tier test method at MAN 3 Aceh Tengah. This research is a qualitative-research with document data sources on test answers, questionnaires, and interviews. The research subjects in this study were 3 subjects from class XII at MAN 3 Central Aceh. Analysis of the validity of the data used triangulation techniques, namely identifying and describing the difficulties faced by students when solving HOTS questions by analyzing the results of test answers, questionnaires and interviews. The results of the research show specifically and descriptively that students when solving analyzing indicator questions feel anxious, lack self-confidence and are unable to process information into the form of solving mathematics. In the evaluating indicator, students are not sure they can solve the questions given. So that students fail to understand the concept of solving the problems presented. Meanwhile, in the creating indicator, students still have difficulty developing their own ideas. In the indicator of creating, students are only monotonous in what the teacher teaches, without developing their creativity to solve the given problem.</p> Nurul Qomariyah Ahmad Julia Noviani Anita Permata Sari Copyright (c) 2023 Nurul Qomariyah Ahmad, Julia Noviani, Anita Permata Sari https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 9 2 95 110 10.29407/jmen.v9i2.20822 Increasing student numeracy ability through learning e-module statistics integrated with flipbook and augmented reality https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/matematika/article/view/21302 <p>Abstract: This research was motivated by the low numeracy of students in statistics courses, which contradicts the importance of numeracy. For this reason, an integrated statistics e-module with a flipbook and augmented reality was developed with the aim that, through learning using this e-module, it can improve student numeracy. The use of flipbooks and augmented reality programs as an effort to integrate knowledge, pedagogy, and technology in an effort to improve numeracy. This research used quantitative methods, with the subjects being 58 students in statistics courses. The paired two-sample t-test technique was used to analyze the increase in numeracy through e-module learning. The data were analyzed with the help of the SPSS 21 for Windows program. The research results showed that there was an increase in student numeracy after using the e-module, with a significance value of 0.00 &lt; 5% with t = -5.23&gt; -t<sub>0.05</sub>, so learning using the statistics e-module integrated with flipbooks and augmented reality can improve student numeracy.</p> <p>Keywords: Numeracy; Integrated E-module, Statistic.</p> Ika Santia Darsono Darsono Aprilia Dwi Handayani Aan Nurfahrudianto Encil Puspitoningrum Copyright (c) 2023 Ika Santia, Darsono Darsono, Aprilia Dwi Handayani, Aan Nurfahrudianto, Encil Puspitoningrum https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 9 2 111 119 10.29407/jmen.v9i2.21302 Mathematical logical intelligence of students with high mathematical communication skills in system of linear equations in three variable https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/matematika/article/view/21491 <p>Mathematical logical intelligence greatly influences students' ability to solve mathematical problems, especially the ability to analyze logically in solving mathematical problems. This logical-mathematical intelligence is also closely related and has a positive impact on students' mathematical communication skills, both oral and written mathematical communication abilities. Based on the age development, MA students should be able to use logical thinking skills well. Through&nbsp; material students are tested and required to understand questions in the form of story questions to be able to solve the problem by first forming a mathematical model and then developing a plan to solve the problem. Thus, students indirectly get a stimulus to hone their reasoning and communication skills well. This study aims to analyze the mathematical logical intelligence of MA students with high mathematical communication skills on System of Linear Equations in Three Variable &nbsp;at MA Al-Islamiyah I Sumber Batu, Blumbungan, Larangan, Pamekasan. This type of research is qualitative descriptive research. The research instruments used were test questions and interview guidelines. The results showed that students who have high mathematical logical intelligence also have good competence for oral and written communication and are able to classify, compare, perform calculations correctly, reason deductively, make conclusions and check back according to the indicators in mathematical logical intelligence.</p> Harfin Lanya Halimatus Zahroh Moh Zayyadi Devie Reztia Anjarani Copyright (c) 2023 Harfin Lanya, Halimatus Zahroh, Moh Zayyadi, Devie Reztia Anjarani https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 9 2 120 132 10.29407/jmen.v9i2.21491 Development of hands on mathematics module based on journal review to promote student involvement in merdeka curriculum https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/matematika/article/view/21181 <p>The massive development of technology in education has led to the implementation of digital-based learning. However, the impact of the pandemic and the implementation of online learning by utilizing digital technology has caused problems in the form of learning loss. The Merdeka Curriculum as an effort to resolve this learning loss has actually created new problems, that is, teachers' difficulties in implementing differentiated, fun, and meaningful student-centered learning. More specifically, this difficulty occurs for math teachers who do not have references to various mathematics activities that support meaningful learning. One alternative solution to solve this problem is to have a special module that contains references to various mathematical activities and games. The purpose of this research is to develop a hands-on mathematics module based on journal studies which becomes a teaching module in the manipulative mathematics media course. The research and development model to be implemented is 4D Thiagarajan which consists of 4 stages, these stages are define, design and develop. The dissemination stage was not carried out in this period due to research limitations. The results showed that the developed module met the validity criteria with a score of 2.71, met the practicality criteria with a score of 87% and met the effectiveness criteria with a score of 91,6. It’s concluded that the hands on mathematics module was feasible to use and met the criteria of valid, practical, and effective. The results of the study are expected to be a recommendation for further development research and for teachers in designing mathematics learning.</p> Ratih Kusumawati Destia Wahyu Hidayati Lenny Kurniati Copyright (c) 2023 Ratih Kusumawati, Destia Wahyu Hidayati, Lenny Kurniati https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 9 2 133 142 10.29407/jmen.v9i2.21181 Development of lkpd based on ethnomathematics kain tenun Sambas motifs to facilitate students' ability to understand mathematical concepts https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/matematika/article/view/20436 <p>This study aims to: 1) find out the results of needs analysis in developing LKPD; 2) find out the results of the development of LKPD; 3) determine the feasibility of LKPD in terms of validity, practicality and effectiveness. The research method used is Research and Development with the ADDIE development model. The LKPD test subjects were 24 students at SMP N 1 Selakau Timur. Data analysis techniques using validity, practicality and effectiveness analysis. The results of the study show that: 1) the results of the needs analysis on LKPD, a) the analysis of students' needs shows that teachers and students want teaching materials that can help in learning mathematics. b) curriculum analysis shows that the resulting LKPD is adapted to the 2013 curriculum. c) material analysis shows that the developed LKPD is rectangular material integrated with culture; 2) the results of the development of the LKPD resulted in 2 forms of design, (a) the first design/initial draft was the initial draft of the LKPD which was the result of the researcher's study. (b) The second design is the result of a revision of the initial draft based on expert validation and student readability tests. 3) LKPD Feasibility results, namely a) LKPD is declared valid because it obtains an average value of 50 with valid information, b) LKPD is declared practical based on the results of students' responses to the use of LKPD by obtaining an average response value of 50.21 with information the response was very good, c) the LKPD was declared effective because it obtained a mastery score in learning mathematics above the KKM (Minimum Completeness Criteria)</p> Selvy Andriani Nindy Citroresmi Prihatiningtyas Mariyam Mariyam Copyright (c) 2023 Selvy Andriani, Nindy Citroresmi Prihatiningtyas, Mariyam Mariyam https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 9 2 143 155 10.29407/jmen.v9i2.20436 Development of hots-based math textbooks to improve critical thinking skills https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/matematika/article/view/20033 <p>The trend of new jobs in the future is based on digital technology, so that future needs are graduates from madrasahs who have analytical skills who can think critically. Making textbooks that are valid, practical and effective and in accordance with the needs of students is one way to cultivate a critical thinking attitude independently. The purpose of this research and development is to (1) develop a valid, practical and effective mathematics textbook. (2) knowing the effect of the use of HOTS-based mathematics textbooks on the crisis thinking ability of grade VII MTsN 7 Nganjuk students. The research and development model is the Borg ang Gall model.&nbsp; The data collection method uses validation sheets, observation sheets for the implementation of textbooks, student response questionnaires and tests to measure students' critical thinking skills. The subject is a student of class VII MTsN 7 Nganjuk. The data analysis technique uses a t-test using SPSS. . This research and development resulted in a product in the form of a valid textbook with the validation results of material experts 87%, media experts 85%. Practically based on the results of the student response questionnaire which is 89%.&nbsp; Effectively based on data from the post test value analysis using the t test, the learning outcomes using textbooks have a significant difference in the value of critical thinking ability compared to classes that do not use textbooks of 0.001 or &lt; 0.05. <strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> Indiyanti Indiyanti Dewi Asmarani Sutopo Sutopo Copyright (c) 2023 Indiyanti Indiyanti, Dewi Asmarani , Sutopo Sutopo https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 9 2 156 170 10.29407/jmen.v9i2.20033 Soft skills development of students in learning mathematics https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/matematika/article/view/20771 <p>The aim of the research is to describe the soft skill development of students in learning mathematics. This research was conducted at MTsN 9 Jombang in the even semester of the 2022/2023 school year. Prospective subjects are students of class IXC, totaling 29 students. Next, one subject is selected who has the highest soft skills score to be analyzed in depth and comprehensively. The main instrument is the researcher himself and the supporting instruments include problem solving test sheets, observation guides and interview guides. Data collection techniques using problem-solving tests about Prism, observation and in-depth interviews. The credibility of the data in this study uses source triangulation. The technical stages of data analysis include data reduction, data presentation, and the last step is conclusion. The results showed that the development of verbal mathematical communication soft skills was in the high category, and the development of non-verbal mathematical communication soft skills was in the high category. Development of creative soft skills in the medium category. Development of critical thinking soft skills in the high category. Development of soft skills to solve problems in the high category. Development of stress management soft skills in the high category. Soft skills collaboration in the high category. Time management soft skills in the high category.</p> Wiwin Sri Hidayati Lia Budi Tristanti Nur Alawi Hudayana Copyright (c) 2023 Wiwin Sri Hidayati, Lia Budi Tristanti, Nur Alawi Hudayana https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 9 2 171 188 10.29407/jmen.v9i2.20771 Restructuring of pseudo-thinking processes in solving mathematical problems investigated from reflective and impulsive cognitive style https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/matematika/article/view/20859 <p>Many students assume that they have carried out the correct thinking process in solving problems, but in reality students only imitate the procedures carried out by the teacher without understanding mathematical concepts. This condition is called pseudo thinking. Errors in the structure of thinking can be solved by rearranging the wrong thought process, namely restructuring the thought process. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study research conducted at class VIII SMPN 1 Sumbergempol. The subjects of the study consisted of 4 students divided into 2 impulsive cognitive style subjects and 2 reflective subjects. Selection of research subjects using purposive sampling techniques. Data collection techniques used were MFFT tests, problem solving tests, and interviews. Data analysis used the Spiral model with results 1) Fragmentation experienced by impulsive students, namely fragmentation of pseudo-incorrect thinking. 2) The fragmentation experienced by reflective students, namely the fragmentation of pseudo-true. 3) The application of restructuring to impulsive students who experience pseudo-wrong thinking can provide a complete structuring of thinking, so that students can solve problems in a structured and correct manner. 4) The application of restructuring to reflective students who experience pseudo-corruption can really provide a complete structuring of thinking, so that students can have the right mindset.</p> Era Riyantika Muniri Muniri Maryono Maryono Copyright (c) 2023 Era Riyantika, Muniri Muniri, Maryono Maryono https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 9 2 189 207 10.29407/jmen.v9i2.20859 Differentiated content, process, and product: study of differentiated instruction to reveal numeracy at SDN Sapit https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/matematika/article/view/21255 <p>Numeracy is a skill needed in the 21st century. Numeracy skills are also the focus of the Independent Curriculum. One thing that can be used as an alternative for developing student numeracy is differentiated learning. In differentiated learning, there is differentiation of content, process, and product models. Therefore, this research aims to determine the differentiation of content, processes, and products oriented toward developing numeracy skills at SDN 1 Sapit, West Lombok. This research approach is qualitative with a phenomenological type. This research also involved one grade 1 teacher and six students as subjects. Data was collected through observation and interviews. The results of this research indicate that differences in students' ability levels determine differences in content, processes, and products in the learning process. Apart from that, the differences in methods also determine the guidance teachers can provide to facilitate students' diverse abilities.</p> Iva Nurmawanti Dyah Indraswati Asri Fauzi Lalu Wira Zain Amrullah Gita Prima Putra Copyright (c) 2023 Iva Nurmawanti, Dyah Indraswati, Asri Fauzi, Lalu Wira Zain Amrullah, Gita Prima Putra https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 9 2 208 218 10.29407/jmen.v9i2.21255 The mathematical reasoning abilities of students in solving numeracy literacy problems reviewed from reflective-impulsive cognitive style https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/matematika/article/view/21273 <p>Mathematical reasoning is one of the five fundamental mathematical abilities that students need to master. The ability of mathematical reasoning is required by students to solve numeracy literacy problems. One of the factors influencing students' mathematical reasoning abilities is their reflective-impulsive cognitive style. This research aims to describe students' mathematical reasoning abilities in solving numeracy literacy problems in terms of the reflective-impulsive cognitive style. The research adopts a qualitative approach, with 6 students from class 9B at SMP Al Falah Ketintang Surabaya selected using purposive sampling. The research instruments include the MFFT cognitive style test sheet, numeracy literacy test sheet, and an interview guide that has been validated by three validators. Data analysis techniques involve data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Based on the analysis and discussion, it is concluded that the mathematical reasoning abilities of students with a reflective cognitive style, particularly in the indicator of performing mathematical manipulations, are not yet well fulfilled. Similarly, the mathematical reasoning abilities of students with an impulsive cognitive style, especially in the indicator of constructing evidence and providing reasons/evidence for the correctness of the solution, are not yet well fulfilled. The mathematical reasoning abilities of students with both reflective and impulsive cognitive styles in solving numeracy literacy problems are more dominant in the moderate and low categories.</p> Rehan Muchammad Fadli Chusnudhin Ahmad Farhan Ahshoni Ahmad Arofi Nafsak Kelvin Lutfi Permana Anisa Fatwa Sari Copyright (c) 2023 Rehan Muchammad Fadli Chusnudhin, Ahmad Farhan Ahshoni, Ahmad Arofi Nafsak https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 9 2 219 229 10.29407/jmen.v9i2.21273 Creative thinking process at class viii students' in solving problems based on hayes' theory viewed from cognitive style and gender https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/matematika/article/view/21096 <p>The aim of this research is to describe the creative thinking process of male and female students with field dependent (FD) and field independent (FI) cognitive styles in solving mathematical problems based on Hayes' theory. This research is a descriptive study with the subjects being two male and two female students in class VIII MTs Darul Ulum Bandung, each of whom has FD and FI cognitive styles. The results of the research show that male FD students' creative thinking is based on flexibility, visible steps in planning solutions, being able to explain the various strategies used, originality, visible steps in implementing plans, determining new strategies in solving problems according to their own opinion, elaboration, visible steps in evaluating plans and evaluating results. , provide an assessment of problem solving planning. The results of the research show that the creative thinking of female FD students, namely originality, shows the steps in implementing the plan, and can determine new strategies in solving problems according to their own opinion. elaboration There are steps to evaluate plans and evaluate solutions, provide assessments on problem solving plans so that ideas are more detailed and provide assessments of problem solving results. The results of the research show that male FI students think creatively in all aspects, namely the fluency aspect, the flexibility aspect, the originality aspect, Elaboration aspect. The research results show that students think creatively Women's FI, namely in all aspects, namely the fluency aspect, flexibility aspect, originality aspect, elaboration aspect</p> Masfufah Masfufah Jauhara Dian Nurul Iffah Nurwiani Nurwiani Copyright (c) 2023 Masfufah Masfufah, Jauhara Dian Nurul Iffah , Nurwiani Nurwiani https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 9 2 230 243 10.29407/jmen.v9i2.21096 The increasing of mathematics achievement in cube and cuboids nets using problem based learning models in grade 4 https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/matematika/article/view/20653 <p>The purpose of this research is to improve the results of learning mathematics on the material of nets of cubes and blocks in class IV students at SDN Karangtengah Prandon 1 using the Problem Based Learning learning model. This type of research is classroom action research which is carried out in 2 cycles. The subjects used in this study were class IV students at SDN Karangtengah Prandon 1, which consisted of 11 students. The independent variable used in this research is Problem Based Learning and the dependent variable is the result of learning mathematics. The techniques used in this research are tests, observations and interviews. While the analysis techniques used in this study were quantitative and qualitative in the form of observations made and the percentage of student learning outcomes from the pre-cycle and after the cycle. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that learning by using the Problem Based Learning Model in mathematics lessons, the material for nets of cubes and blocks of student learning outcomes can be improved. The increase in learning outcomes in the pre-cycle was 27.2%, the first cycle was 63.6% and the second cycle was 91%. This assessment was said to be successful because the learning outcomes reached the mastery indicator, namely ≥ 80% of the class average with KKM ≥ 70.</p> Dwinda Susi Rahmasiwi Swasti Maharani Suliyawati Hartini Copyright (c) 2023 Dwinda Susi Rahmasiwi, Swasti Maharani, Suliyawati Hartini https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 9 2 244 252 10.29407/jmen.v9i2.20653