Profile of the physical condition of senior Wushu Sanda puslatkot Kediri atlet in provincial sports event (Porprov) East Jawa 2019
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physical condition

How to Cite

Zawawi, M. A., & Burstiando, R. (2020). Profile of the physical condition of senior Wushu Sanda puslatkot Kediri atlet in provincial sports event (Porprov) East Jawa 2019. Jurnal SPORTIF : Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran, 6(1), 259-271.


This research is based on a problem in the City Training Center (Puslatkot) of the Wushu in 2019, namely the lack of availability of data on the physical condition of athletes is a problem factor for coaches in preparing training programs. This study aims to determine the physical condition of senior Wushu Sanda athletes who are members of the Kediri City Puslatkot in the face of the East Java Provincial Sports Week (Porprov) in 2019. The research carried out uses quantitative descriptive methods using surveys and also tests and measurements. The instrument used in retrieving data is a test instrument that has been arranged in a test and measurement guide book and is in accordance with the requirements of the physical conditions used in the Wushu Sanda branch of sport. The results showed that athletes with excellent condition were 15.31%, in the good category were 35.71%, the enough categories were as much as 12.24%. From the results of tests conducted, the physical condition of the Wanda Sanda athlete in Kediri City is in the good category. Furthermore, researchers who will develop this research can cover more broadly, because this research is only limited to athletes in the city of Kediri.
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Copyright (c) 2020 M. Anis Zawawi, Rizki Burstiando


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