Performance of Deep Feed-Forward Neural Network Algorithm Based on Content-Based Filtering Approach

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Keywords: Recommender Systems, Twitter, Bag Of Words, Content-Based Filtering, Deep Feed Forward


Background:  Selecting a restaurant in a diverse city like Bandung can be challenging. This study leverages Twitter data and local restaurant information to develop an advanced recommendation system to improve decision-making. Objective: The system integrates content-based filtering (CBF) with deep feedforward neural network (DFF) classification to enhance the accuracy and relevance of restaurant recommendations. Methods: Data was sourced from Twitter and PergiKuliner, with restaurant-related tweets converted into rating values. The CBF combined Bag of Words (BoW) and cosine similarity, followed by DFF classification. SMOTE was applied during training to address data imbalance. Results: The initial evaluation of CBF showed a Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 0.0614 and a Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 0.0934. The optimal DFF configuration in the first phase used two layers with 32/16 nodes, a dropout rate of 0.3, and a 20% test size. This setup achieved an accuracy of 81.08%, precision of 82.89%, recall of 76.93%, and f1-scores of 79.23%. In the second phase, the RMSprop optimizer improved accuracy to 81.30%, and tuning the learning rate to 0.0596 further increased accuracy to 89%, marking a 9.77% improvement. Conclusion: The research successfully developed a robust recommendation system, significantly improving restaurant recommendation accuracy in Bandung. The 9.77% accuracy increase highlights the importance of hyperparameter tuning. SMOTE also proved crucial in balancing the dataset, contributing to a well-rounded learning model. Future studies could explore additional contextual factors and experiment with recurrent or convolutional neural networks to enhance performance further.


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Author Biographies

Fikri Maulana, Telkom University

Informatics, School of Computing, Telkom University

Erwin Budi Setiawan, Telkom University

Informatics, School of Computing, Telkom University


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How to Cite
F. Maulana and E. B. Setiawan, “Performance of Deep Feed-Forward Neural Network Algorithm Based on Content-Based Filtering Approach”, intensif, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 278-294, Aug. 2024.