Vol. 2 No. 2 (2018): Generation Journal

Generation is a scientific journal that presents original articles about knowledge and research information or application of current research and development in the field of technology. Scope of Generation Journal in the field of Informatics Covers Big Data, Decision Support System, Network, Multimedia, Image, NLP This journal is a means of publication and event to share his research and development work in the field of technology. Generation Journal published 2 times a year, ie in January and June. Generation Journal Registered at PDII LIPI with e-ISSN number: 2549-2233 p-ISSN: 2580-4952. For practitioners, academics and students in the field of Informatics, Multimedia, and Electrical Engineering who want article research results and ideas published in this journal through online registration.
Heri Abijono Analisis Perbandingan Metode Simple Additive Weighting dan Profile Matching dalam Sistem Pendukung Keputusan
Abstract views: 271 , PDF downloads: 701 -
Rekomendasi Perbaikan Desain Aplikasi Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Desktop dalam Bentuk Prototype untuk Statistika Dasar
Abstract views: 456 , PDF downloads: 1368 -
Aplikasi Pengenalan Pola Batik Trenggalek Menggunakan Deteksi Tepi Sobel Dan Algoritma KMeanS
Abstract views: 418 , PDF downloads: 1266 -
Umar Wirahadi Kusuma Penggunaan Analytical Hierarchy Process Untuk Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Bantuan Siswa Miskin
Abstract views: 188 , PDF downloads: 625 -
Made Ayu Dusea Widyadara Analisis Faktor-Faktor Pengaruh Minat Belanja Konsumen Pada Toko Online Berryben
Abstract views: 240 , PDF downloads: 1434 -
Resty Wulanningrum Penggunaan Algoritma K- Nearest Neighbor untuk Identifikasi Citra Kamboja
Abstract views: 276 , PDF downloads: 625 -
Integrasi Permodelan Game Content Model Pada Game Based Learning
Abstract views: 355 , PDF downloads: 1029 -
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan di SMAN 1 Kedungwaru Tulungagung
Abstract views: 419 , PDF downloads: 3067