Upaya Mengembangkan Asesmen Keterampilan Pemecahan Masalah Pada Materi Ekosistem Berdasarkan Greenstein
Assessment, Problem Solving, Validity, assessment, problem solving, vlidityAbstract
Problem-solving is the basis for identifying problems, making choices, and considering options based on the obtained information. The research objective is to create a problem-solving-based skills assessment instrument based on Greenstein on ecosystem materials. This research uses the Plomp model R&D (Research and Development) development method. The tool uses an expert validation sheet. The study is limited to testing the feasibility of the instrument. Data analysis with percentage technique. The results showed that the assessment instrument for problem-solving skills was feasible with the results of the validation of practitioner experts 86.2% "Very Valid", 93% assessment experts "Very Valid", material experts 85.8% "Very Valid", and linguistic experts 83.2% "Sufficiently Valid". The validity test results on items with a decent category obtained 17 'Valid' questions. The reliability test results got the results of 0.752 "high reliability".
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