Anxiety Of School-Age Childre (10 – 12 Years) Face Menarche At Mojoroto Village Kediri City


  • Susi Erna Wati universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri




Child age at ranging Elementary School 6 to 12 years, this term constitute school term. Child those are on SD's early class is child that lies on early age elongation. Early age term constitute child developing term that short but constitutes term that really necessary for its life. Therefore, on this term all proprietary potency child needs to be pushed so will optimal ala amends.  Menarche constitute first menstruating that ordinary happening deep age range 10 to 12 years. All this time a portion society perceives taboo to talk about menstruating problem in family, so startup stripling less have science and attitude that passably about physical change and psikologs relates menarche . kesiapan is indispensable mental before menarche since alarm feel and afraid of appearance, besides it also its reducing science about that needful while menstruating. Observational design that is utilized is descriptive with approaching utilizes tech purposive is sampling . Population on observational it is all child school age at Mojoroto's sub-district City to self as much 55 childs and sample that is utilized in this research as much 23 childs. Sampling tech that is utilized is purposive is sampling . Data collecting tech utilizes kuesioner. Data processing by koding, skoring, tabulating, after at tab then made by recapitulating scale. Of research result is gotten as almost the lot respondent experience demulcent alarm as much 20 person (87%), as much 2 person (8,7%) experiencing alarm be, as much 1 person (4,3%) no dread. Seeing observational result to be expected this research result gets to give information about dread zoom school age in faces menarche first, so family gets to know menarche first on its child.


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How to Cite

Wati, S. E. (2015). Anxiety Of School-Age Childre (10 – 12 Years) Face Menarche At Mojoroto Village Kediri City. Efektor, 2(2).