Pengembangan Model Permainan Target untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Shooting dalam Permainan Sepakbola

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Kata Kunci

target game
shooting skills

How to Cite

Widodo, A. (2018). Pengembangan Model Permainan Target untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Shooting dalam Permainan Sepakbola. Jurnal SPORTIF : Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran, 4(2), 248-263.


This study aims to produce a target game model to improve shooting skills in football games. The method used in this study is research and development (R & D). The stages in this method refer to the 10 steps of Borg & Gall's research and development which were adapted into three stages, namely: (1) Preliminary study phase; (2) Development stage; and (3) evaluation phase. Data collection instruments use questionnaires.Data collection instruments use questionnaires. Data analysis using quantitative descriptive analysis with percentage. The research product is a target game model consisting of: (1) 3 lawan 3; (2) tendangan hukuman; (3) tendangan berlubang; and (4) tendangan gol. Validation of the game model involves 2 experts, namely lecturers of football courses and football coaches. The results of the validation of the target game model obtained the target game model pointed to 85.71%. Field test results to determine the feasibility of the target game model, based on the practitioners' assessment in this case the extracurricular coach of MTs Yasiro Lembursawah, Sukabumi obtained a score of 29 from a maximum score of 35 with a percentage of 82.85% which means good / decent. So that the game model developed is suitable for use in improving shooting skills.


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