Sports education model (SEM) on students' motivation and physical activity in classroom: A literature review


sport education model
physical activity

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Sports education model (SEM) on students’ motivation and physical activity in classroom: A literature review. (2023). Jurnal SPORTIF : Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran, 9(1), 40-58.


Siedentop developed the Sports Education Model (SEM) to provide students with sports knowledge. As research on SEM has continued, attention has focused on (a) student motivation and (b) opportunities for physical activity in physical education classes. This study contains a literature review related to the Sport Education Model (SEM) on motivation and physical activity to provide evidence to support the idea that this model can achieve physical education learning. This study used 20 journals from 6 databases, namely Google Scholar, Sage Journal, Taylor & Francis, ScienceDirect, ResearchGate, and, with further analysis using synthesis techniques. The research aimed to pursue sports education (SEM) of student motivation and physical activity in physical education classes. This study is an updated review of how implementing the Sport Education Model (SEM) can build students' physical activity motivation and engagement in physical education classes, including the latest research trends for future research.



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