Analyzing the Quality of Academic Information Systems on System Success




Analysis, Delone and McLean, SEM-PLS


Since the needs for academic management are always changing, the creation of academic information systems must focus on user benefits and satisfaction in order to gauge how successful academic management systems are. This research uses the Delone and McLean IS Success Model which is known as one of the system success models, so the aims to ascertain the effects of system, information, and service quality, as well as usage rate, on benefits and user satisfaction SIAKAD system. Respondents were determined using the Slovin formula and taken using proportionate stratified random sampling techniques as many as 100 people. Descriptive analysis was carried out to explain respondents' perceptions and evaluate the success of the system using Three levels of communication were used to measure the success of the system: technical, semantic, and effectiveness levels. The Delone and Mclean IS Success Model's variable relationships were investigated using SEM-PLS analysis. Hypothesis testing results indicate that User Satisfaction is significantly impacted by Information; System; and Service Quality, then Information Quality also significantly affects Usage; and Net Benefits are significantly impacted by User Usage and Satisfaction; however, neither System Quality nor Service Quality significantly affects Use or Use on User Satisfaction.


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Author Biographies

  • Sayyidatul Abqoriyyah Melgis, Universitas Jambi

    Department of Information Systems, Universitas Jambi

  • Reni Aryani, Universitas Jambi

    Department of Information Systems, Universitas Jambi

  • Dewi Lestari, Universitas Jambi

    Department of Information Systems, Universitas Jambi

  • Mohamed Naeem Antharathara Abdulnazar, ISMA University

    Dept. Computer Systems, ISMA University, Latvia


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How to Cite

“Analyzing the Quality of Academic Information Systems on System Success”, INTENSIF: J. Ilm. Penelit. dan Penerap. Tek. Sist. Inf., vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 144–165, Feb. 2024, doi: 10.29407/intensif.v8i1.21512.