Tokoh Amelia Sebagai Teladan untuk Siswa Perempuan Pendidikan Dasar

Kajian Literasi Moral dalam Novel Amelia Karya Tere Liye


  • Akhmad Idris Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Darni Darni Universitas Negeri Surabaya



Moral Literacy, Female Students, Amelia’s Character



Education holds a central role in the formation of the character's protégé. Through educational institutions are expected to take shape a child's intelligent and moral. Then, how if the institution was only able to give birth to a child who is smart, but not moral? This occurs because of less awareness of moral literacy. Literature as a means of teaching at the same time, the entertainer is expected to be a breakthrough to form a generation of moral literate. Amelia’s character in novel Amelia by Tere Liye can be used as a role model for female students in elementary education.


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How to Cite

Idris, A., & Darni, D. (2019). Tokoh Amelia Sebagai Teladan untuk Siswa Perempuan Pendidikan Dasar: Kajian Literasi Moral dalam Novel Amelia Karya Tere Liye. Efektor, 6(1), 7–13.