The purpose of this study was to determine swimming management training and training programs at swimming clubs in the City of Kediri in 2019. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach and survey methods. The subject of this study was the coaches of all swimming clubs in the city of Kediri totaling 12 coaches from 12 clubs. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, interviews, and observations. The data analysis technique uses percentage techniques accompanied by descriptive descriptions. The results of this study are variables ranging from identification of overall trainers getting a good percentage of 86%, identification of overall athlete recruitment getting a good percentage of 69.85% and training methods used in swimming training and identification of preparation of the overall training program get a good percentage of 75%. The exercise program of swimming clubs in the city of Kediri in 2019, has been classified as good by 77%. The conclusion in this study is that the management of training conducted by the swimming by the swimming clubs of the city of Kediri is good, it can be seen from many achievements achieved by swimming athletes from Kediri. This good category can be obtained after seeing coaching management in which there is the identification of trainers, identification of athlete recruitment of training methods, and training programs carried out in the good category.
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