Pengaruh Latihan Traditional Push Up, Plyometric Push Up, dan Incline Push Up Terhadap Kekuatan Otot Lengan, Power Otot Lengan, dan Daya Tahan Otot Lengan


The purpose of this study was to improve the physical performance of arms extracurricular students arm of SMAN 2 Lamongan students who have weaknesses during physical evaluation. Forty healthy students by looking at nutritional status through body mass index (BMI) were selected according to criteria and performed pretest and rankings so that they were included in traditional push up, plyometric push up, incline push up and control group. 30 seconds push up, 60 seconds push up and medicine ball test are used to measure performance improvement. All three groups participated in the study three days a week for six weeks and completed 18 training sessions, at a frequency of 3 sessions per week. The result of paired sample t-test in traditional push-up group showed significant influence on strength and endurance variables, plyometric push up group showed significant influence on strength and power variables, and incline push up group showed significant influence on strength and endurance variables. It was concluded from this research that the training of traditional push up, plyometric push up and incline push up are effective for improving upper body performance.


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