Pencak Dor dalam Industri Olahraga
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traditional sport
martial arts

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Himawanto, W. (2017). Pencak Dor dalam Industri Olahraga. Jurnal SPORTIF : Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran, 3(2), 251-266.


Indonesia is a country that has thousands of cultures spread all over the country. Various kinds of cultures in Indonesia make the diversity of tribes and customs. The style and diversity of Indonesian culture is reflected in the traditional sports born in society. Each culture has a diverse range of traditional sports and has the potential to be further developed. One of its potentials is mining in the sports industry sector. Pencak Dor is one of the traditional sports that has the ability to attract participants to thousands of people. With good management of activities, it is not impossible Pencak Dor to be a sport that competed in national level.
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