Pengenalan Permainan Tradisional GOTENG (Gobak Sodor dan Bentengan) untuk Membangun Karakter Siswa Sekolah Dasar Kelas Atas


This study aims to produce a traditional game model as character building a physical education learning of elementary school students which is decent, effective and appropriate. The simple game model is expected to be able to develop affective, cognitive and psychomotor domains, and can be used by teachers in implementing the learning activitiesespecially physical education. This research was carried out by adapting the steps of research development Borgand Gall (2007: 580-581), which is modified into 8 step implementation of research

which includes: (1) the collection of information (2) analysis of the information gathered (3) developing the initial product, (4) validation by experts and revision (5) small-scale field trials and revision (6) large-scale field trials and revisions (7) the manufacture of final products, and (8) test the effectiveness of the product. Small-scale trials were conducted to 20 students in SD Nsiramanan 3. A large trial was conducted to 22 students in SDN Kesamben 5 and 22 students in SDN Babadan 1. The instrument used to collect data were observation guide (observation), interviews, field notes, scale values, assessment sheets of effectiveness test and assessment of learning outcomes. Guttman Scale Data Analysis technique was used to analyze the data. The result of the research is a simple game model consisting models of the game, namely: Goteng (Gobak sodor dan bentengan). Model games are arranged in the form of manuals and DVDs with the title “knowledge as traditional game”. Based on the results of expert assessment of materials and trainers it can be concluded that the traditional game model as character building in physical educational learning for the elementary school students is able to develop affective, cognitive and psychomotor domains.
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