Utilizing Apache Jena Fuseki for Ontology-Based Smartphone Knowledge Representation

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Keywords: Ontology, Methontology, Smartphone Knowledge Representation, Apache Jena Fuseki


Background: Smartphones are a fundamental require for everybody since smartphones can offer assistance someone's work through different highlights and certain innovation contained within the smartphone. Some people's need for information about smartphones makes people confused in choosing smartphone products because there are many smartphone brands available on the market, as a result, many people still buy smartphones that do not suit their needs and preferences. That is why ontology-based knowledge representation is becoming increasingly important in the field of smartphone technology to improve data organization, data retrieval, and interoperability.  Objective: This research aims to develop a smartphone ontology using the Apache Jena Fuseki server which functions as a data collection tool and facilitates knowledge management about smartphones. Methods: This ontology was built using the methontology method, namely an ontology development method that is superior in providing a detailed description of each required activity. This smartphone ontology was developed using the Protégé 5.5.0 application which consists of 4 classes, 9 object properties, 15 data properties, and 92 individuals. Results: The research results show that the ontology built can help users search for smartphones that suit their criteria and needs. This research also succeeded in developing an android and semantic web-based application that allows users to search for smartphones more easily and efficiently, strengthening the benefits of the developed ontology in supporting smartphone purchasing decisions. Conclusion: The contribution of this research is to help customers, by providing recommendation the smartphone that best meets the requirements or best fits the given knowledge representation.


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Author Biographies

Helna Wardhana, Universitas Bumigora

Computer Science, Universitas Bumigora

Dyah Susilowati, Universitas Bumigora

Computer Science, Universitas Bumigora

Lalu Heri Aguswandi, Universitas Bumigora

Computer Science, Universitas Bumigora

Muhammad Maulana, Universitas Bumigora

Computer Science, Universitas Bumigora

Abdul Karim, Hallym University

Hallym University, Chuncheon, South Korea


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How to Cite
H. Wardhana, D. Susilowati, L. H. Aguswandi, M. Maulana, and A. Karim, “Utilizing Apache Jena Fuseki for Ontology-Based Smartphone Knowledge Representation”, intensif, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 295-311, Aug. 2024.