Ontology Data Modeling of Indonesian Medicinal Plants and Efficacy





data model, knowledge, medicinal plant, ontology


People use medicinal plants for as early prevention and treating disease. Medicinal plants must be careful not to cause side effects, so knowledge is needed. Medicinal plant knowledge is stored using an ontology data model. In some ontology studies, there are still shortcomings in managing information, namely the absence of a relationship between scientific terms related to medicinal plants and phrases already known to the public. Hence, it is necessary to have this relationship. In other studies, there is no information related to disease protein, so this research also develops ontologies to enrich knowledge about medicinal plants and their efficacy. Based on the results, the developed ontology test can build a relationship between scientific terms of therapeutic pants and phrases that are known to the public. The public also knows which proteins affect a disease, so public knowledge about medicinal plants is getting wider.


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How to Cite

R. M. Afifa, W. A. Kusuma, and A. Annisa, “Ontology Data Modeling of Indonesian Medicinal Plants and Efficacy”, INTENSIF: J. Ilm. Penelit. dan Penerap. Tek. Sist. Inf., vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 218–232, Aug. 2022.