Optimalisasi Bisnis Pengrajin Udeng Pacul Gowang Sidoarjo melalui Pembukuan Keuangan Digital dan Social Media Marketing





Craft industry, Business training, Digital bookkeeping, Digital marketing


Global market demands encourage Udeng Pacul Gowang craftsmen to continuously innovate and improve the use of technology in all aspects so that their products can compete in the free market. Even though the potential for this business is quite large, many Udeng Pacul Gowang craftsmen still experience problems in achieving success in their business. The solution offered is to provide training in order to increase literacy and skills to manage Android-based digital financial accounting through the "Buku Kas" and social media marketing. This training aims to increase partner business profits by expanding market reach and having good and structured financial records for business management. The results of the activity show that the skills of the trainees have increased in terms of financial bookkeeping and digital product marketing.


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How to Cite

Warmana, G. O. ., Sholihah, D. D., & Trisnaningtyas, J. P. N. (2023). Optimalisasi Bisnis Pengrajin Udeng Pacul Gowang Sidoarjo melalui Pembukuan Keuangan Digital dan Social Media Marketing. Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara, 7(3), 856-864. https://doi.org/10.29407/ja.v7i3.21045