Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM <p>JURNAL ABDINUS Terbit 3 kali dalam 1 Tahun. Terbitan Berkala Ilmiah ini merupakan publikasi ilmiah di bidang pengabdian dan pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan cakupan bidang : Pembangunan manusia dan daya saing bangsa, Pengentasan kemiskinan berbasis sumber daya lokal, Pengelolaan wilayah pedesaan dan pesisir. Pengembangan Ekonomi, Kewirausahaan, Koperasi, Industri Kreatif, Pendidikan, &nbsp;Peternakan, Perikanan, UMKM, Pengembangan teknologi berwawasan lingkungan. Kesehatan, gizi, penyakit tropis, obat-obatan herbal, seni, sastra, dan budaya.<br><a href="http://u.lipi.go.id/1505289011">ISSN (Online) 2599 - 0764<br></a><a title="Web Analytics Made Easy - StatCounter" href="http://statcounter.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="http://c.statcounter.com/11544451/0/d7f0e465/0/" alt="Web Analytics Made Easy - StatCounter"></a> <a href="http://statcounter.com/p11544451/?guest=1">View ABDINUS Stats</a></p> Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri en-US Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara 2599-0764 Penanaman Mangrove Sebagai Upaya Perluasan Ekosistem Pesisir di Peunaga Cut Ujong, Aceh Barat https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/21084 <p>Damage to mangroves on the West Aceh coast due to the disaster tsunami and the increasing utilization of economic activities towards the beach area makes mangrove planting activities necessary. Service activities aim to support the benefits of conservation and expansion of mangrove ecosystems on the Coas of Peunaga Cut Ujong, Meurebo District, West Aceh Regency. This planting activity is a collaborative activity between industry players, academics, and the surrounding community which was initiated by PT MIFA Bersaudara as a form of concern for the environment and concrete action in contributing to coastal ecosystem conservation, especially for achieving the SDGs. The types of mangroves planted were Rhizophora apiculata and Rhizophora mucronate. This planting uses a planting method with artificial regeneration which involves planting seeds, propagules, or mangrove seedlings by moving the seedlings to a new location. Mangrove planting activities in Peunaga Cut Ujong managed to get attention and attention from the village community. Not only involved directly in mangrove planting activities but also committed to the maintenance and monitoring of the planted mangroves. In addition, the success of mangrove planting is also evident from the low mortality rate (5%) of the seedlings. The addition of more leaves, height, and mangrove roots that have begun to appear in some mangrove stands was observed seven months after planting.</p> Eka Lisdayanti Nurul Najmi Rahmawati Rahmawati Fitry Hasdanita Delfian Masrura Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-01-01 2024-01-01 8 1 1 12 10.29407/ja.v8i1.21084 Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Kepada Pengawas Menelan Obat (PMO) dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kepatuhan Pengobatan Pasien Tuberkulosis di Puskesmas Haliwen https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/21330 <p>Pulmonary tuberculosis can cause serious problems and even death in people who have been infected with the mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria. Tuberculosis patients will usually undergo treatment for a long time. Patients will get a treatment period of approximately 6 to 9 months. As a result of this long period of treatment, there are many cases reported that TB patients do not take medicine regularly, drop out of taking medicine, patients who have received medicine but are lazy to complete treatment for up to 6 months, already feel healthy finally drop out of treatment and family lacks support in completing treatment. Tuberculosis patients who are on medication need someone to always supervise and educate them. This person is usually called a Medication Swallowing Supervisor. Drug swallowing supervisors can come from family members, neighbors or the general public who have volunteered to help TB patients. PMO who come from the general public must be given training so that they have basic knowledge and skills in communication and negotiation so that they can convince TB patients and their families to take the correct treatment and complete treatment. This service method is in the form of training and mentoring which is carried out in several stages, namely preparation, implementation and sustainability of the program. The results of the pre and post tests on all trainees showed an increase in the ability of the trainees.</p> Paskalis Malafu Usfinit Annita Olo Handrianus Akoit Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-01-01 2024-01-01 8 1 13 22 10.29407/ja.v8i1.21330 Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Inovasi Bahan Pangan dari Limbah Biji Mangga di SMKN 1 Pemulutan, Sumatera Selatan https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/19205 <p>Mango seeds (Mangifera indica L.) have a fairly high carbohydrate content and can be processed as an alternative food. This community service activity aims to educate the public about the process of processing mango seeds into flour and processed food ingredients. Prior to counseling, the team conducted initial experiments on the products produced using initial treatment in the form of soaking with water, slaked lime and sodium bisulfite. Organoleptic tests on processed food products from mango seeds were carried out by random respondents with assessment indicators in the form of color, texture, aroma and taste. The test results showed that processed cakes from mango seed flour as much as 30% with the initial treatment of sodium bisulfite immersion in the initial process had the best organoleptic value, namely, 3.7 out of 4. This activity was carried out at SMKN 1 Pemulutan and received very good appreciation because it was considered very useful, informative and can be developed continuously.</p> Enggal Nurisman Tuty Emilia Agustina Elda Melwita Asyeni Miftahul Jannah Alya Dewi Pritania Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-01-01 2024-01-01 8 1 23 33 10.29407/ja.v8i1.19205 Pelatihan Membuat Konten Instagram pada Karang Taruna Sedatigede https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/20862 <p>Karang Taruna Sedatigede is one of the most advanced youth organizations in Sidoarjo, judging by their programs. Karang Taruna Sedatigede uses Instagram as one of the media in promoting their activities. However, when viewed from a distance their account posts look less productive and the content is only in the form of pictures. So that it is necessary to increase the productivity of Instagram content for promotion to support the dissemination of information regarding work programs at Karang Taruna Sedatigede. From this, the community service activity "Training on Making Instagram Content at Karang Taruna Sedatigede" was carried out starting with poster content training on the Canva application. Furthermore, video editing training is carried out so that their Instagram content is not monotonous with only pictures, but also video content. After these two sessions, assistance was carried out for the execution of the content resulting from the training that had been carried out. From all of these activities, the results obtained were that Karang Taruna members became motivated and their productivity in creating content increased. This is proven by the promotional video content that they uploaded after the training and mentoring period was over, which had never been done before by Karang Taruna Sedatigede.</p> Adinda Herna Fibriana Ainur Rochmaniah Poppy Febriana Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-01-01 2024-01-01 8 1 34 41 10.29407/ja.v8i1.20862 Program Kawasan Ramah Ibu Hamil sebagai Upaya Preventif untuk Mengurangi Kecenderungan Psychological Distress https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/21452 <p>Pregnant women are vulnerable to problems that can create high stress and have a negative impact on their emotions. The desire to be a good and perfect mother can cause pregnant women to face a number of problems or what is called psychological distress. Therefore, immediate solutions are needed to reduce high levels of stress which cause psychological pressure and play an important role in preventive efforts in reducing various types of psychological disorders. This service program aims to provide more knowledge related to the problems of pregnant women and be able to provide mutual support among the surrounding community so that serious problems are minimized and the community can become a good forum for its citizens to exchange ideas and share stories. This preventive service program is provided through providing psychoeducation, discussion, relaxation training, role play and evaluation. The results of the service program show that there is a significant difference in the average psychological distress score between before and after the intervention with a value of p = 0.004 (p &lt; 0.05). The post-test average score of 23.1 is lower than the pre-test average score of 38.3. This means that the intervention provided can reduce the level of psychological distress in pregnant women.</p> Defi Astriani Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-01-01 2024-01-01 8 1 42 49 10.29407/ja.v8i1.21452 Optimalisasi Kesehatan Mental dan Perilaku Remaja Menuju Generasi Unggul Melalui Penyuluhan Siswa-Siswi SMPN 8 Surabaya - Jawa Timur https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/21624 <p>Permasalahan mental dan perilaku pada remaja masih menjadi masalah yang serius di dunia dan di Indonesia. Gangguan mental dan perilaku pada remaja sering tidak terdeteksi dan terabaikan dalam penanganannya sehingga berisiko dalam pembentukan karakter menuju dewasa serta mempengaruhi kualitas dan masa depannya sehingga perlu penyuluhan dan sosialisasi. Tujuan Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi mengenai pentingnya optimalisasi kesehatan mental dan perilaku remaja bagi masa depan menuju generasi unggul. Metode Pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan pada remaja berupa penyuluhan kepada remaja mengenai pentingnya optimalisasi kesehatan mental dan perilaku demi menjadi generasi unggul dan memiliki masa depan yang baik Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini meliputi ceramah dalam bentuk presentasi, diskusi, dan konseling. <em>Pre-test</em> dan <em>post-test</em> dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah kegiatan ini. Sebanyak 600 peserta mengikuti kegiatan ini, diantaranya, Kepala Sekolah, Guru, dan Siswa SMPN 8 Surabaya. Hasil Ditemukan sebanyak 309 (68,7%) siswa remaja merasa memiliki masalah dengan keluarga, sekolah ataupun teman. Terdapat peningkatan kemampuan peserta dalam kesadaran pentingnya optimalisasi kesehatan mental dan perilaku remaja setelah dilakukan penyuluhan di mana terjadi peningkatan peserta dengan nilai nilai baik di <em>post</em><em>-</em><em>test</em> meningkat dibandingkan <em>pre-test.</em> Ringkasan Penyuluhan mengenai optimalisasi kesehatan mental dan perilaku remaja menuju generasi unggul sangat efektif.</p> Ayling Sanjaya Anna Lewi Santoso Haryson Tondy Winoto James Hadiputra Sunarpo Made Ayu Prasasti Dwitama Putri Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-01-01 2024-01-01 8 1 50 60 10.29407/ja.v8i1.21624 Cegah Stunting Melalui Pembentukan Kelas Pranikah CAGAR WARGA (Calon Pengantin Bugar Jiwa Raga) https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/21236 <p>The stunting rate of toddlers in Pasirkratonkramat Village, the Kramatsari Health Center Area’s, is the highest in Pekalongan City in 2022 and shows an increase in the past year. Stunting prevention is effective in the premarital period. However, health services in the Kamaratsari Health Center Area’s are still not optimal because of the ineffective implementation of adolescent posyandu and there are no premarital classes. In addition, the number of teenage marriages in the region is also still high and plays a role in the problem of stunting under five. This PKM aims to improve premarital health services through the establishment of CAGAR WARGA (Calon Pengantin Bugar Jiwa Raga) premarital class in the hope of improving marriage preparation and reducing the number of teenage marriages. The implementation of this premarital class program activity starts from socialization together with partners to provide information about technical activities and targets, then continues with agreements with midwives, cadres, youth representatives to determine the time and place of implementation. Premarital class activities start from premarital screening covering nutritional status, then continue with the provision of nutrition education, physical preparation, mental preparation, spiritual preparation and maturation of marriage age. Evaluation of activities is carried out well and smoothly in each activity. This premarital class program is expected to become a routine program for puskesmas in Pekalongan City in an effort to prevent stunting.&nbsp;</p> Fitriyani Fitriyani Wahyu Ersila Festy Mahanani M Nur Chabibah Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-01-01 2024-01-01 8 1 61 68 10.29407/ja.v8i1.21236 Pelatihan Pembuatan Evaluasi Pembelajaran dengan Menggunakan Google Formulir bagi Guru SDN 96/IV Kota Jambi https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/21813 <p>SD Negeri 96/IV is at Jalan Sunan Bonang RT. 32 Kel. Simpang III Sipin Kec. Kota Baru Jambi City. In the implementation of learning evaluation, teachers at this school apart from using the paper-based system, have also tried to use other media, such as Quiziz, and Google Forms. But in practice, it is still not used optimally, because the teachers have not gained good knowledge of the features and capabilities of each of these applications. Making learning evaluations is an important part of an effective learning process. Therefore, in the digital era, one of the most suitable media to use is Google Forms, because Google Forms can be used as a tool that can improve the quality and effectiveness in making learning evaluations or exam questions with several question models such as multiple choice, essay, and can add images and videos to the questions. Google Forms will also make it easier for teachers to collect and analyze exam data. Community service at this school was carried out in March 2023. Activities are carried out using presentation, training, and evaluation methods. The conclusions obtained through this community service activity are: 1. Improve teachers' understanding at SDN 96/IV about the features and capabilities of Google Forms, 2. Improve teachers' knowledge at SDN 96/IV in making learning evaluations using Google Forms.</p> Rudolf Sinaga Renny Afriany Samsinar Samsinar Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-01-01 2024-01-01 8 1 69 78 10.29407/ja.v8i1.21813 Destinasi Wisata Alam Gunung Mayana sebagai Kontributor Pengembangan Perekonomian Masyarakat Desa Sindangjawa https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/21120 <p>Indonesia has great potential as an attractive tourism destination, with its natural beauty, diverse cultures, and the friendliness of its people. Kuningan Regency, especially Mount Mayana, has significant natural attractions that have the potential to boost the local economy, but there are still challenges in terms of accessibility. This research aims to describe the local potential of Mount Mayana as a natural tourism destination and how it can contribute to the economic development of Sindangjawa Village. The research method used in this study is descriptive qualitative, where data is collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The findings of this research indicate that Mount Mayana has significant potential as an attractive natural tourism destination. This potential includes beautiful natural scenery, sacred tombs that can be a religious tourist attraction, a road network connecting four villages, areas for implementing business development plans such as fruit agrotourism, grass track areas, eco-friendly villas, camping areas, Javanese eagles, and the Mount Mayana Forest Area with high potential for medicinal plants. To optimize this potential, there needs to be collaboration between the government, military institutions, and the local community. Development steps, such as improving accessibility, empowering the local community, and effective promotion, can contribute to the long-term economic growth and the preservation of the natural and cultural heritage of Mount Mayana.</p> Ai Siti Nurhaliza Oman Suryaman Achmad Nur Hidayat Andi Susnandi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-01-05 2024-01-05 8 1 79 88 10.29407/ja.v8i1.21120 Program “Kampung Emas” Sebagai Upaya Percepatan Penurunan Angka Stunting di Kelurahan Embong Kaliasin, Surabaya https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/21563 <p>The reduction in stunting rates must be more comprehensive in overcoming it, because this case is one of the national priorities in terms of human resource development. So that in handling stunting cases in Surabaya using the "Kampung Emas" program based on strengthening the 5 pillars of handling stunting. The method of this activity is carried out by means of Focus Discussion Group (FGD), mentoring and monitoring of stunting toddlers, education with lecture methods, community visits, and local market surveys. The results of the implementation of the "golden village" program based on the 5 pillars of stunting management include: health cadres and the village have a commitment to resolve stunting cases, 9 children are classified as stunted, increasing the understanding of education participants to 98% after being given education, getting food ideas after surveying the local market, namely cork fish potato sticks and moringa leaves, and moringa leaf pudding as an innovative healthy menu so that stunting toddlers are not bored. From these various activities, it succeeded in graduating 1 child who was classified as stunted.</p> Dinda Andriani Bian Shabri Putri Irwanto Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-01-06 2024-01-06 8 1 89 96 10.29407/ja.v8i1.21563 Diversifikasi Rasa Baru Apem Yaqowiyyu Jatinom untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Produk Unggulan di Kabupaten Klaten https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/19049 <p>Apem yaqowiyyu is a traditional snack at every breakfast event in Jatinom District, Klaten Regency. Gradually, apem yaqowiyyu began to be sold every day without waiting for the Saparan ceremony. One of the existing and productive producers of Apem Yaqowiyyu is UKM Apem Yaqowiyyu Bunda Santi. A total of 6 people, namely Mrs. Santi and five workers, have been able to produce apem yaqowiyyu to meet the needs of the local community and tourists. In carrying out business, these SMEs have a significant production problem. The problem is that the limited apem owned is not durable and long-lasting, and the number of variants over the years of opening a business is only five flavors. Solutions that can be resolved based on an agreement between the PKM team and partners are solving production problems. The solution to the production problem is the addition of 5 new flavors that the general public likes. The resulting PKM results are six new flavor variants based on research innovation and science and technology application to partners, including Mocca A, Mocca B, Pisang Kepok, Pisang Raja, Baked Plantain, and Raisins. Based on the PKM team and partner assessment results, Mocca A is in great demand and has the potential to have a high selling value because the quality of the apem filling is premium class.</p> Ichda Chayati Syukri Fathudin Achmad Widodo Bayu Rahmat Setiadi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-01-11 2024-01-11 8 1 97 107 10.29407/ja.v8i1.19049 Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa SMK 10 Nopember Jombang Melalui Pelatihan Mesin CNC Roughter https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/21644 <p>CNC (computerized numerical control) is which means that all movements of machine parts are moved or controlled by program commands in the form of numerical codes on a computer. CNC knowledge needs to be given from an early age in vocational high schools or vocational schools. Vocational school graduates need to master this reliable technology in order to be able to compete, because almost all industrial machines have implemented digitalization systems with the aim of efficiency. Therefore, it is necessary to provide vocational school level CNC roughter training to improve skills before entering the world of work. The service stages include preparation, implementation, evaluation and reporting stages. CNC roughter machine training is able to influence the learning outcomes of class XI students at SMK 10 November Jombang.</p> Basuki Basuki Mohammad Munib Rosadi Minto Minto Retno Eka Pramitasari Fajar Satriya Hadi Dian Anisa Rokhmah Wati Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 8 1 108 115 10.29407/ja.v8i1.21644 Peningkatan Pengetahuan melalui Kegiatan Pendampingan bagi Pelaku Usaha Penyembelihan Kuda di Kabupaten Jeneponto https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/21867 <p>Jeneponto Regency is famous for its unique livestock, horses. However, the absence of a halal-certified horse slaughtering place is thought to be related to the low level of knowledge and understanding of horse slaughter business owners regarding halal and thayyib slaughtering. This community service activity involves assistance from expert speakers who discuss halal and thayyib of horse slaughtering. Measurement of participants' level of knowledge after mentoring was carried out through pre-test and post-test. There were 23 questions and 40 respondents consisting of horse slaughter business owners, slaughtermen and other horse slaughter workers. The primary data obtained was the number of participants who answered each question correctly. The results are then tabulated and presented via graph. Paired t-test analysis with SPSS was used to measure the effect of mentoring. The number of respondents who were able to answer questions correctly during the post test was higher or increased compared to the pre test. It can be concluded that assistance to horse slaughter business owners and workers in Jeneponto Regency is effective in increasing participants' knowledge regarding halal and thayyib horse slaughtering<strong>.</strong></p> Ayu Lestari Muhammad Arsan Jamili Suci Ananda A Handayani Indah Susanti A Mustika Abidin Aminah Hajah Thaha Rusny Rusny Mashuri Masri Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 8 1 116 127 10.29407/ja.v8i1.21867 Menumbuhkan Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Agama Islam dengan Program Pemberdayaan MDT (Madrasah Diniyyah Taklimiyyah) Di Desa Candali https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/19165 <p>This activity aims to improve the quality of Madrasah Diniyah Taklimiyyah (MDT) through empowerment carried out by the Community Service (Pengmas) team at the Indonesian Nahdlatul Ulama University (Unusia). MDT Empowerment is one of the Unaged Community Service programs in 2022. Madrasah Diniyah Taklimiyyah informs the Muslim community about the existence of religious education. In its growth it leads to reform of religious education itself. Madrasah Diniyyah as non-formal education is recognized by the government as stated in Government Regulation No. 55 of 2007 concerning Religion and Religious Education, which is an indication of the government's desire to collaborate with the community in developing religious education. This opens up a wider path for the development and strengthening of religious education carried out by the community through various programs of affirmation, convenience and various supports and assistance. Madrasah Diniyah is one of the characteristics of Islamic religious education which has experienced significant momentum since its inception.</p> Muhammad Aras Prabowo Hululudin Hululudin Arif Alamsyah Fariha Ikhwana Hanif Allaudza’i Hidayani Hidayani Habsyah Fitri Aryani Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-01-15 2024-01-15 8 1 128 137 10.29407/ja.v8i1.19165 Implementasi Sistem Informasi HIPPAM Desa Kaligondo Berbasis Web dan Android https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/21386 <p>The Banyuwono Drinking Water User Population Association (HIPPAM) is one of the business units of the Gondowangi Village-Owned Enterprise (BUMDES) in Kaligondo Village, Genteng District, Banyuwangi. This business unit is tasked with managing water sources in the village and distributing them to residents' homes in order to meet basic water needs for various community needs. So far, Banyuwono HIPPAM managers have experienced problems in managing residents' payment data because payments are made through collection by the head of the Neighborhood Association (RT) by recording them on payment cards and then reporting them to HIPPAM managers. This method has several disadvantages, such as the data received by the manager is slow, not neat and at risk of being lost or damaged. Likewise in the processing, recapitulation and reporting related to billing, total income and so on. Service activities for the implementation of the HIPPAM Banyuwono web and android application were held to overcome this problem. The activity begins by collecting data on needs and supporting facilities that are already available. This data will be used to design the flow and application design. Next, the design is implemented into a web and Android application using the Laravel framework, Flutter and MySQL database. The resulting web and Android applications have been published via the page http://bumdesgondowangikaligondo.id. 91% of users consisting of 5 HIPPAM officers and 53 RT heads in Kaligondo Village expressed satisfaction with the function and comfort of the application. The results of socialization and training on application use for 5 HIPPAM officers also showed that the officers already understood how to use the application with an average application mastery score of 88.</p> Devit Suwardiyanto I Wayan Suardinata Subono Subono Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 8 1 138 150 10.29407/ja.v8i1.21386 Edukasi dan Pendampingan Literasi Keuangan dan Digital pada Mantan Pekerja Migran Indonesia https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/21201 <p style="font-weight: 400;">Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) are one of the nation's heroes because they are recognized as a source of foreign exchange for the Indonesian nation. The problems faced are getting caught in debt/online loans, fraud under the guise of investment, and consumerist lifestyles. Looking at the explanation of the problems above, the problem solving solution provided in this Community Service activity is to provide education and assistance regarding financial literacy, ethics, psychology and digital literacy. Activities are carried out in the form of workshops and mentoring for 6 months. The results achieved were the implementation of a workshop with a comprehensive evaluation covering aspects of material, resource persons and facilities where the majority of participants responded very well and were willing to take part in further mentoring activities. From the results of the evaluation of the activity, it can be concluded that this activity is very much needed by participants from PMI because, so they get direct benefits and are more able to control themselves to manage finances including being able to apply digital ethics and refrain from doing negative things in the digital world.</p> Lilia Pasca Riani Mustofa Mustofa Aula Ahmad Hafid Saiful Fikri Maimun Sholeh Supriyanto Supriyanto Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 8 1 151 162 10.29407/ja.v8i1.21201 Pemberdayaan Masyarakat melalui Budidaya Tanaman Hidroponik sebagai Alternatif dalam Menambah Pendapatan Masyarakat https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/21645 <p>The purpose of this activity is for the community to be able to optimally utilize the small land around the house by growing hydroponic plants. This activity was carried out in Sambiresik Village, Ngasem District, Kediri Regency, at Delta Sambiresik Permai 3 Housing. Hydroponic cultivation is carried out by providing plant nutrients using water instead of soil. In Sambiresik Permai Delta Housing 3, Sambiresik Village, the procedure for implementing community service includes location survey and observation, socialization, training and practice, mentoring, and monitoring. The advantages of this cultivation are that it can be done on a narrow land, faster growth and harvesting, and hydroponic plants can be sold at higher prices due to their superior nutritional value. As a result, the community's income will increase.</p> Bayu Surindra Elis Irmayanti Tjetjep Yusuf Afandi Zainal Arifin Efa Wahyu Prastyaningtyas Eunike Rose Mita Lukiani Ari Saputri Novita Anggraini Faradila Noer Kumala Dewi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-01-19 2024-01-19 8 1 163 171 10.29407/ja.v8i1.21645 Diseminasi Pemanfaatan Limbah Pelepah Kelapa Sawit dan Kotoran Sapi menjadi Briket Arang sebagai Bahan Bakar Alternatif di Kampung Majemus Distrik Masni Kabupaten Manokwari https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/19031 <p>The problem faced by our society today is the accumulation of cow feces and palm fronds which are solid biomass waste produced throughout the year by oil palm plantations and livestock businesses. One of the utilization and processing of these two biomass wastes is to make charcoal briquettes as an alternative fuel. Charcoal briquettes have advantages because they have high economic value compared to wood charcoal, higher calorific value, odorless, attractive shape and durable. This dissemination activity is in addition to empowering the community in the application of appropriate waste treatment technology innovations, as well as providing an alternative for developing creative economic potential for the people of Majemus Village, Masni District, Manokwari Regency. The method of implementing this activity is participatory counseling, practice or training and mentoring, so that the product can be continuously produced and ready to be marketed. The manufacture of charcoal briquettes starts from the stages of drying the main raw materials, composing of raw materials, grinding, mixing materials with adhesives, printing briquettes, drying briquettes again, quality testing, and packaging. The final results of the activities carried out showed that (1) they succeeded in disseminating effective and simple innovations in livestock and plantation waste treatment technology and applied in the field, (2) training participants or members of partner groups were involved and played an active role in all activities ranging from counseling to training on practice and training, (3) charcoal briquettes produced SNI standard that will renewable energy source for everyday necessities.</p> Purwaningsih Purwaningsih Evi Warintan Saragih Budi Santoso Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-01-22 2024-01-22 8 1 172 183 10.29407/ja.v8i1.19031 Meningkatkan Nilai Produk Batik yang Ramah Lingkungan dengan Pewarnaan Menggunakan Sumber Daya Alam Tumbuhan https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/21336 <p>Synthetic dyes used in the textile industry, including batik dyeing, can cause environmental pollution if not managed properly. Some of the negative impacts that can arise from batik waste resulting from the use of synthetic dyes include water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, and the health of workers. The redevelopment of interest in natural colored batik reflects a larger trend in the shift towards more sustainable (green product) consumption, ethical and cultural. This shows that many consumers today pay more attention to these aspects when choosing their clothing products, and this can provide opportunities for natural color batik producers to grow and develop. Natural dyes give batik an extra touch, giving it a unique character and aesthetic that is different from batik produced with chemical dyes. Apart from that, using natural dyes is also more environmentally friendly and sustainable. Natural colored batik is often the choice for those who value tradition and sustainability in textile arts.</p> Fatma Ayu Nuning Farida Afiatna Nur Muflihah Andhika Mayasari Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-01-27 2024-01-27 8 1 184 191 10.29407/ja.v8i1.21336 Desain dan Implementasi Website di Pondok Pesantren Darul Fithrah https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/22022 <p>Darul Fithrah Islamic Boarding School is an Islamic educational institution that aims to provide its students with religious education, formal education, and character development. A community service theme related to the school website is proposed to increase communication efficiency, information transparency, and interaction between Islamic boarding schools, students, parents, and the community. This website design uses structured stages. The first stage is planning, training, evaluating, and making activity reports. At the planning stage, the features that will be displayed on the website are adjusted to the Islamic boarding school's needs. After the website is completed, information system training is carried out on the website. The evaluation stage is carried out to monitor if problems occur. Based on the results of monitoring and evaluation, the website created makes it easy for various parties to obtain and share information related to Islamic boarding schools, and the website has been well optimized so that it has entered the first page on the Google search engine in fourth place.</p> Sofy Fitriani Yusuf Sofyan Eddy Bambang Soewono Siti Dwi Setiarini Beri Noviansyah Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-01-28 2024-01-28 8 1 192 198 10.29407/ja.v8i1.22022 Pendampingan Masyarakat dalam Pemanfaatan Ampas Sagu menjadi Pupuk Organik Bokashi di Kampung Mosso Kota Jayapura https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/22101 <p>In the sago processing process through extraction of sago pith, sago dregs will be produced which is waste in sago processing. Sago dregs contain 65.7% starch and the rest is crude fiber, crude protein, fat and ash. Apart from that, sago dregs contain 21% lignin and 20% cellulose which can be used as raw material to be used as bokashi fertilizer. This service was carried out in Mosso village, Jayapura City and aims to empower the community to process sago dregs into useful organic fertilizer. The methods used in this service are counseling, field practice and discussion. The public is invited to use sago pulp which is usually thrown away and process it into bokashi fertilizer. The community service activities carried out produce something of value and benefit to the local community. The community seems to be actively involved in making bokashi fertilizer by utilizing organic waste which can be directly applied to their agricultural land. Apart from that, it creates community awareness in handling sago waste in their environment.</p> Yulius Gae Lada Efraim Mangaluk Selmi Yohana Stefanie Anius Sama Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-02-07 2024-02-07 8 1 199 206 10.29407/ja.v8i1.22101 Ceting (Cegah Stunting) Bersama Remaja Putri Melalui Isi Piringku https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/21413 <p>One of the causes of stunting is due to inadequate nutrition during adolescence. One prevention that can be done is to approach the life cycle at the adolescent stage, especially adolescent girls as a preparation stage for prospective mothers from an early age. Young women must be prepared to enter the preconception period. These young women have a very big opportunity to break the chain of stunting. One intervention that can be carried out is providing education about balanced nutrition through the contents of my plate as early as possible to prevent stunting. The purpose of this community service is to increase knowledge about the contents of my plate. Carrying out service activities by providing education through giving ebooks about the contents of my plate to young women at SMPN 1 Ciamis. To measure the knowledge of young women with a pre-post test. The results of Community Service include an increase in young women's knowledge about the contents of my plate as a means of preventing stunting.</p> Heni Heryani Lusi Lestari Suhanda Suhanda Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-02-24 2024-02-24 8 1 207 215 10.29407/ja.v8i1.21413 Pelatihan Analisis Subyek dan Penentuan Notasi Bahan Pustaka Menggunakan DDC bagi Pengelola Perpustakaan STIT Darul Ulum Kubu Raya https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/18892 <p>Library materials as information resources are the main issue of the existence of university libraries in providing services to users. The existence of library materials as information resources has a variety of formats that can provide knowledge for its users. However, the existence of library materials will certainly not provide maximum benefit to its users if the library materials are not well organized, because standard information organization will create a good information retrieval process or library materials. This community service activity aims to provide knowledge and skills in analyzing subjects and determining notation of library materials using DDC for library managers of STIT Darul Ulum Kubu Raya. This training uses the lecture method in the form of socialization and practice. The results of this activity showed that the participants were very enthusiastic about participating in the training, the participants were able to analyze subjects and determine the correct notation independently or in groups and they were interested in processing library materials independently using DDC. The participants who were library managers at STIT Darul Ulum Kubu Raya gained knowledge about techniques for analyzing subjects and determining notation of library materials using DDC. The participants also hoped that from this activity there would be further activities in the form of training in library material cataloging techniques.</p> Sahidi Sahidi Sisilya Saman Madete Atiqa Nur Latifa Hanum Amriani Amir Miftah Rahman Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-03-06 2024-03-06 8 1 216 226 10.29407/ja.v8i1.18892 Menciptakan Ruang Kreatif melalui Pembuatan Mural Bergaya Dekoratif di SDN 010 Cidadap, Bandung https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/22346 <p>SDN 010 Cidadap is a state elementary school in Bandung. This school faces several challenges, such as being listed as the school with the lowest number of student applicants in the city of Bandung. The location of the school is considered to be a trigger, even though it is located on the side of the main road, access is blocked by offices and commercial facilities. This school also lacks artistic values, that can be an attraction to the surroundings and contribute a unique identity of a place. As a result, the school wishes to transform the school atmosphere by presenting an attraction that will encourage the creativity of the school community, particularly students. This hope was realized through Community Service Activities (PKM) in collaboration between the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Maranatha Christian University, the Lions Club Bandung social community, and PT Propan Raya to create a creative space through participation in making decorative style murals on school walls. The resulting decorative murals provide freshness to the school environment and can foster pride in the school community. Apart from that, murals can also help students develop their creativity and active participation in school events.</p> Tessa Eka Darmayanti Yuma Chandrahera Miky Endro Santoso Lisa Levina Ismet Zainal Effendi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-02 2024-04-02 8 1 227 235 10.29407/ja.v8i1.22346 Penguatan Karakter Moderasi Beragama bagi Generasi Z di SMA Negeri 1 Puding Besar https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/21983 <p>The diversity of religions adhered to by Indonesian citizens is very high, characterized by the existence of six religions that are administratively and legally recognized by the state. This has become a gift from God that must be guarded and cared for properly so that differences do not trigger the growth of division. The process of maintaining harmonization of religious diversity needs to be supported in various ways, one of which is by strengthening the character of religious moderation in citizens. Religious moderation is a perspective, attitude, and behavior that takes a middle position, characterized by acting fairly and not being extreme in religion. This is a concept that needs to be instilled in Indonesian citizens, especially the younger generation as the backbone of the nation's progress in the future. Through community service carried out at SMA Negeri 1 Puding Besar, it is hoped that this can be a means of strengthening the character of religious moderation in generation Z in the Bangka Belitung Islands province, as one of the regions that also has high religious diversity. The implementation of service is carried out using socialization methods and group games, this is intended to support the goals and hopes to be achieved in service activities, namely the growth of attitudes of tolerance and cooperation.</p> Reza Adriantika Suntara Tsulis Amiruddin Zahri Mustofa Tohari Muhamad Hijran Muhammad Rozani Padlun Fauzi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-07 2024-04-07 8 1 236 247 10.29407/ja.v8i1.21983 Efisiensi Produksi Keripik Bakso melalui Implementasi Teknologi di Kelurahan Potrobangsan Magelang https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/21474 <p>Meatball chips craftsmen in Potrobangsan Village Magelang are home-based craftsmen who produce various types of meatball chips. The problem is that the meatball chips produced are easily soggy and less durable. This is because the craftsmen still use manual tools in the oil draining process because the efficiency of the production process decreases. The purpose of this service activity is to help partners to increase their production efficiency through the implementation of technology hope it's a solution partner problems. The technology in question is an oil draining machine. This program is implemented using socialization and training methods and demonstration of operation and maintenance of tools so that partners can improve product quality. The results of the service showed that with the implementation of technology, production efficiency increased because the time used became faster.</p> Nani Mulyaningsih Mohamad Nanda Safitra Kunti Nafingatul Khusna Sri Hastuti Siti Nurul Iftitah Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-07 2024-04-07 8 1 248 256 10.29407/ja.v8i1.21474 Pelatihan Kewirausahaan dan Sistem Pemasaran Online kepada Pelaku UMKM Kecamatan Pakal, Kota Surabaya https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/22226 <p>Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Pakal District experienced a decrease in sales turnover after COVID 19. Consumers choose to shop <em>online</em> while MSME products are mostly sold conventionally. This resulted in a decrease in MSME turnover. The decrease in turnover can be overcome by holding entrepreneurship training and <em>an online</em> marketing system&nbsp; provided to MSME players in Pakal District, Surabaya City. The training method consists of simulation, mentoring and evaluation given to 20 MSME actors in Pakal District, Surabaya City. The results of entrepreneurship training 1) increased knowledge of entrepreneurial concepts, 2) internal and external analysis of business units (SWOT analysis) and choosing <em>online </em>&nbsp;marketing strategies were immediately carried out, 3) MSME actors managed business units based on the concept of 4 pillars of management, 4) MSME actors were able to innovate on marketing systems and products. Online marketing system training <em>&nbsp;</em>increases the capacity of MSME actors to market products <em>online</em> using social media (Facebook and WhatsApps). The end result of the online marketing system strategy&nbsp; is an increase in sales of MSME products.</p> Sri Nathasya Br Sitepu Krismi Budi Sienatra Monika Teguh Irantha Hendrika Kenang Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-12 2024-04-12 8 1 257 267 10.29407/ja.v8i1.22226 Edukasi Permasalahan Pendidikan berbasis Data melalui Seminar Nasional HUT PGRI dan HGN ke-77 https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/20641 <p>The imbalance of the number of public and private school teachers affects the performance of the teachers themselves. This needs to be a concern for teachers and stakeholders. Therefore, community service activities in the form of data-based education on education issues through Session 3 of the National Seminar on the Anniversary of the Indonesian Teachers Association and the 77th National Teachers' Day were held online via Zoom Application on November 10, 2022. The three stages of data-based education that were carried out were (1) preparation of titles and materials in the form of data on the number of teachers and teacher ratios, (2) presentation and interpretation of these data were carried out in front of teachers and stakeholders, and (3) presentation of recommendations based on education to stakeholders and teachers. These three stages were carried out and could show that data-based education has been done properly.</p> Aunurrahman Aunurrahman Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-13 2024-04-13 8 1 268 276 10.29407/ja.v8i1.20641 Volunteers Teaching: Learning Assistance Activities To Eliminate Trauma In Cianjur After The Earthquake Disaster https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/19801 <p>Carrying out community service is one of the Tridharma of Higher Education which must be carried out by lecturers and students. Joining the Teaching Volunteer Team, lecturers and students of FKIP Suryakancana University carried out Tridharma activities in restoring student learning motivation after the earthquake. It is not an easy thing to restore the motivation of students after the earthquake, this is because some of the survivors and injured victims are traumatized so that their mental and psychological conditions are disturbed. This includes children who are a vulnerable group affected by the earthquake in Cianjur Regency. To improve learning motivation for students can also be done by integrating the learning process by playing and using the media as an attraction for students. This service activity was carried out to describe the implementation of learning activities in three villages affected by the gemba disaster in Cianjur.</p> Halimah Halimah Dinni Nur Fajrin Ningsih Ida Nuraida Reza Rahman Hakim Aisah Aisah Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-13 2024-04-13 8 1 277 286 10.29407/ja.v8i1.19801 Pembentukan dan Pendampingan Digital English Club di Sekolah Dasar https://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/PPM/article/view/20017 <p>This community service program aimed at solving the problems of the lack of English skills for Elementary School students. Based on interviews and initial observations, students tend to be shy and reluctant to participate actively during the English learning process. Another problem found is the lack of interactive learning materials and media used by teachers during teaching and learning activities. Therefore, the 'Digital English Club' service program focused on improving students' English skills and teachers' abilities to manage a digital-based English Club. Methods for implementing community service include: 1) Preparing Digital-Based English Learning Media and Resources, 2) Teacher Training Workshops, 3) Establishing Digital English Clubs and 4) Digital English Club Assistance. The results included the creation of digital-based media and learning resources that are used by teachers to create active and interactive English classes and the formation of Digital English Clubs in service partner elementary schools as one of the extracurricular options that can increase students' interest and English skills.</p> Rosalin Ismayoeng Gusdian Erlyna Abidasari Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-16 2024-04-16 8 1 287 295 10.29407/ja.v8i1.20017