Pemberdayaan Siswa PMR Sebagai Kader Anti Anemia dalam Upaya Pencegahan Anemia Prakonsepsi


  • Juhrotun Nisa Politeknik Harapan Bersama
  • Adevia Maulidya Chikmah Politeknik Harapan Bersama
  • Istiqomah Dwi Andari Politeknik Harapan Bersama
  • Annisa Fadillah Muslich Politeknik Harapan Bersama
  • Elfa Zulfatun Amalia Politeknik Harapan Bersama



Anemia, Empowerment, Youth Red Cross


The World Health Organization (WHO) targets a 50% reduction in the incidence of anemia by 2025, while adolescents are still in the vulnerable group for anemia, because the peak of iron absorption occurs in adolescence. The high incidence of anemia is not balanced by the existence of screening for anemia, even teenagers tend not to have their hemoglobin levels checked. Delay in handling anemia affects when a woman has a pregnancy, so that it can cause bleeding complications during childbirth, giving birth to babies with low body weight, infants growing with stunting and so on. The purpose of this community service is to conduct training and empower students who are active in the Youth Red Cross (PMR) activities as cadre of anti-anemia in the effort to prevent preconception anemia by providing knowledge about anemia, how to detect early anemia events through physical examination and examination of hemoglobin. The activity was carried out in one of the Tegal City Vocational Schools on January 28-29, 2020 followed by Class X and XI students who were active in the Youth Red Cross extracurricular activities (PMR), with a total of 20 people (4 class XI and 16 class X).


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Mclean E At Al, Cogswell M, Egli I, Wojdyla D, De Benoist B. 2009. Worldwide Prevalence Of Anaemia, WHO Vitamin And Mineral Nutrition Information System, 1993–2005. Public Health Nutr. 12: 444–54.

Nisa, J. , Chikmah, A. M., Zulfiana, E. 2019. Perilaku Konsumsi Sumber Enhancer Dan Inhibitor Fe Dengan Kejadian Anemia Pada Kehamilan. Siklus: Journal Research Midwifery Politeknik Tegal. 8 (1): 41-47

Nisa, J. , Chikmah, A. M., Harnawati, R. A.. 2020. The Effects Of Gadgets On The Occurrence Of Anemia In Teenage Girls. Siklus: Journal Research Midwifery Politeknik Tegal. 9 (1): 54-59

World Health Organization. 2002; The World Health Report. Reducing Risks, Promoting Healthy Life. Geneva: World Health Organization.

World Health Organization. 2014. WHA Global Nutrition Targets 2025: Anaemia Policy Brief. Geneva: World Health Organization.

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How to Cite

Nisa, J., Chikmah, A. M., Andari, I. D., Muslich, A. F. ., & Amalia, E. Z. . (2020). Pemberdayaan Siswa PMR Sebagai Kader Anti Anemia dalam Upaya Pencegahan Anemia Prakonsepsi. Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara, 4(1), 154–160.