Esports Axiology is a study that studies the values contained in non-physical sports in indonesia to improve the character of esports players in daily life. These values have elements of Sports, Social, Health, Economics, Education, Achievement, and Knowledge. This research aims to know the public's perception of esports games as a non-physical sport in the view of Axiology. The method in this study is a survey using questionnaire instruments. The population in this study is Indonesia people who are divided into 3 provinces namely East Nusa Tenggara, Yogyakarta, and North Sulawesi. This research technique uses sampling probality which is a sampling technique that provides equal opportunities or opportunities for each element or member of the population to be selected into a sample of 650 people. The analysis technique used is quantitative descriptive that is poured in percentage form. The results in the study showed that most subjects had a positive perception of the values found in esports games as a non-physical sport in Indonesia which is the category of Excellent with the largest percentage of all instrument answer options being on the criteria of Highly Agree (SS) which is 32.74%, Agree (S) 27.8%; Neutral criteria (N) 24.0%; and 16.3% Disagree (TS) criteria.
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