Science must develop promptly in accordance with the modern development. Many sports have employed technological innovations to support learning and training activities, especially in volleyball. This study aims to test the effectiveness of microcontroller-based volleyball service test kit consisting of components such as high performance, low power Avr® 8-bit microcontroller units, advanced risc architecture, high endurance non-volatile memory segments, peripheral features, special microcontroller features, and others to measure the volleyball service skills. This research uses quantitative research methods. The test instrument is volleyball service skills test. The subjects in this study are 60 people divided into several group; the beginner group consists of the second semester students who are not volleyball athletes, another group consists of students joining volleyball extracurricular, and the last group consists of students who become the national and regional athletes. The result shows the effectiveness value of 99.04% by classifying research subjects into three different levels. Based on this, the microcontroller-based volleyball service test kits are proven effectively used for beginners and professional athletes.
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